chapter thirty:

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Olly's P.O.V.

"Mr Murs? There's been a complication in Issy's operation. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. We did the best we could. We're so sorry." 

"NOOOOOO!" I screamed, sitting up. I looked to the side of me, to see Issy peacefully sleeping. I was still in the hospital room. I was so hot, sweating. I got out. I had to get out of there, this place was getting to me. I got on my shoes and went to the canteen. "Coffee please?" I asked the girl. She nodded and went to make it. "That's £2.40 then please." I handed her the money and went to sit down on an empty table. I got out my phone and checked twitter. I needed to take my mind off that dream. I can't lose her. I had a couple of messages from Mum, and one from Esme. I read mum's one first.

"Hey Ols, how's Issy? We'll come later and we can take you home or something? Don't stay there all the time, you need space x"

and then I read Esme's. 

"Hello Olly, it's Esme! Is Issy okay? I was just wondering since she hasn't picked up her phone and I'm getting worried. I'm sure she's fine since you're there but if anything's wrong, call me! PS, don't forget, i'm coming home tomorrow!! xxx" 

Ah shit. Should I tell her? I have to, she's her daughter. I dialled her number and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" Esme said. "Hi Esme, it's Olly." "Ah Olly, anything the matter?" I took a deep breath it. "Please don't worry, but..Issy's in hospital again." The line sudden;y went dead. "Hello?" I asked. She was crying. "Esme, she's fine but her aunt and uncle.. found her..and I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect her, I know you trusted me and I broke it, I can't believe I let her go alone, I'm so sorry" and then I broke down, right there. "Olly..if she's fine, that's all that matters. I'll see you tomorrow." and she hung up. That's it? I drunk my coffee and went back to the room. I entered and Issy wasn't there. "Issy?!" I shouted. "Issy where are you?" I repeated. Finally she walked through the door. "Oh my god do not do that to me, ever." I said, giving her a hug. "Even though I'm in hospital, I've still got to go to the toilet." I laughed and helped her back into bed. "Your mum called." She sighed. "She just said she's happy you're okay. And that she'll see you tomorrow." She smiled. "I just hope you know, i'm never leaving." I whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed me. "You're mine forever." she replied, peacefully. "Olly.. go home?" I shook my head vigorsly. "Olly, please." I sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Tomorrow?!" I questioned. "Olly, i'm in a hospital, nobody can hurt me here." I kissed her, long and hard, and left. I waited at the door for a couple of minutes, just staring into her eyes. Shut the door. I thought to myself. "Bye.." I said, closing the door. 

I left the hospital and went home. Home sounded good. Bed. 

Issy's P.O.V.

After Olly left, I fell straight asleep. I was exhausted. I could hear a phone ringing; whether it ws in my head or real I didn't know. I chose to ignore it, but it kept ringing. Soon, a doctor came in. "Miss, would you like me to reach for your phone?" I nodded, confused. He handed me it. "Thanks." I said, unlocking it to find about 100 missed calls, 100 texts all from my mum. It rang again, but it was my boss, Matt. "Hello?" I spoke, in a calm manner. "Issy? Oh my goodness, I've tried to get hold of you so many times, then I heard the news! Are you okay?! If Australia is too much for you to handle, it's okay!" He said, speaking very fast. Australia. Shit, I forgot about that. Didn't Olly say he wanted to go? I don't know. "Um, yeah, I'm honestly still not sure about that! When do you need to know by?" I asked. "Whenever. It's cool. Just get better okay, love?" "Thanks Matt." and I hung up. What was I going to do about Australia? I really wanna go, but I don't want to leave England. "Knock knock." someone said, entering the room. Great, Mark. "Olly gone?" he asked, pointing to the seat where Olly was. I nodded. "Discharge papers, ma'am." I smiled. "Thank you." I said. "Listen, I'm sorry about before.. I wasn't thinking're literally one in a million. You're all I think about, the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I go to bed. I love you, Issy. Let's run away and be together? You, me, Holly and Scott! C'mon!" I began to laugh, but then I realised he was serious. He suddenly got down on one knee. "Mark.. no, please, don't do this..." i said, holding my hands out infront of me. "Issy, please, will you marr-" he stopped and turned to look at the door. I did the same, and I saw Olly standing there. Mark suddenly got off the floor and dusted himself off. Olly looked at him, like he wanted to destroy him, and then he looked at me, like I destoyed him. "Olly, no, it's not what it looks like!" I said, limping over to him, grabbing his sleeve. He yanked his sleeve away which resulted in me falling to the ground. I screamed. I felt dizzy, sick, nauseous. Suddenly a sea of people were surrounding me. From what I could make out, it was Olly, Mark and my doctor and a couple of nurses. The last thing I could remember was Olly. Just staring at me, with his perfect eyes, filled with tears. He mouthed 'I love you.' and my mind went blank. 

"No! Stop! Ahhhhh!" I screamed, waking up to a room full of strangers. Full of doctors. "Issy, Issy calm down, it was just a nightmare." A doctor said, rubbing my forehead with a towel. I was so hot, sweating through my teeth. "Olly..." I said, still feeling dizzy, falling back onto the bed. He nodded and went outside. He came back seconds later with Olly. "Ol-" i said, I couldn't manage the rest. "Shh baby, don't talk, you need to rest." "I'm sor-" I literally couldn't talk, finding it hard to breathe. The doctor put an oxygen mask on me. "I love you, plonker." he said, planting a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Please don't leave me." I managed to say. He looked at me, and smiled, shaking his head. "Never." 

love at first sight // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now