Chapter 4

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I park my car in the schools parking lot. I just keep telling myself I'm not the same person anymore and that they can't make me that person again.

I look over and see Caleb walk over to josh who's still look so gorgeous, I also see Kayla talking to some people. i guess it's show time, I get out of the car and make my way over to Kayla. As soon as Kayla sees me, she does a girly scream and jumps up and down catching everyone's attention "I can't believe your back!" she runs up to me and hugs me so tight

"Missed you too" I giggle and hug her back "come on let's go in" I can't take everyone staring at me.

we walk past Caleb and josh, who's one of the people staring. I just keep walking past him not even giving him a second glance.

Me and Kayla link arms. she whispers to me "don't be nervous"

"I'm not" I assure her

"By the way don't think I haven't notice how hot your looking" she smirks

"Yeah I made some changes no biggie" I laugh a little

"Just fair warning there have been some rumors going around about you after you left" she tells me

"What rumors?" I just assumed that nobody even knew I left

"One is that you went crazy and dropped out" I can't help but scoff at that if I did go crazy it would be there fault "also one that you were pregnant" she rolls her eyes

"Wow who's my baby daddy?" I can't help but laugh

"I never heard who it was maybe Brad Pitt" she says with a wink

"Nice" I smile

"There just stupid rumors don't listen" she says to me

"Trust me I won't" even when I wasn't here they still manage to make fun of me

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