My Life With The Eliot Boys

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Chapter 1

"Mallory! Come on get your stuff! You need to leave for the airport!" My mom called up the stairs.


It was early saturday morning and I was about to get ready to go live with my moms childhood friend for some stupid reason which mom and dad still haven't told me about. But I think its to get away me away from this stupid town and all the things that happened. I couldn't even walk down the hallway with out people whispering about what happened but we aren't going to visit that horrid time of my life! I packed up all of my suitcases and looked around my room one last time taking in all the memories that had happened in here. Countless sleepovers with Becca and Cami, my first phone my parents hid in my room, everything I was leaving behind to start fresh. I wasn't the least bit excited to go live with some stranger  and leave Cam and Becca. Trust me I put up quite a fight but mom and dad wouldn't budge and secretly I was excited to move from nasty old Michigan to California. I had always wanted to go there and now I was moving there.

  "Coming mom!" I yell dragging the last suit cases downstairs.

We quickly got my stuff in the car and drove off to he airport. Cami and Becca are going to meet us there so I don't have to worry about saying goodbye to them just yet. I looked back as we drove out of the sub in which I had grown up in the trees flew past us as we drove to the air port. I had never lived in the city but I had been to Ann Arbor quite a few times in my 16 years of living and that was nice. 


"Oh Honey you are just going to love Stacey she's so nice and she's always wanted to have a daughter!" My mom exclaims. 

"Oh" I simply state and put my head phones in. I feel bad for icing her out but I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to everything and moving cross country. 

We pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out to stretch my legs. If I was already tired from a half hour car ride I can't wait to see what this plane ride is going to do to me not mention school starts monday. Thank god mom let me move during summer or right at the end so then I wouldn't move in the middle of the school year. After I got through security I was free to move around in the airport. I looked around for a bit before it was time for mom and dad to leave.

"Honey you know I'm going to miss you so much and I love you with all my heart but you and I both know you can't stay here anymore this is for the best," My mom said as tears rolled down her face. I grabbed my mom and my dad and pulled them into a tight hug. 


"Thanks. I love you both and I will call you as soon as I get there!" I told both of them after letting go of them. Man I'm going to miss them.  

"MALLORY!!!!!" Cami and Becca screamed from across the airport. I let gave my mom and dad one last hug before running like an insane person over to my two best friends.

"CAMI BECCA OMG YOU GUYS!" I yelled as I gave them a super big hug.

"Please let me move to Cali with you! I want to date a hot surfer boy!" Cami whined. Ever since I told her I was going to move all she's  been talking about is coming with me to meet some Cali boy.

"Cam you're not coming with my just visit you and becca can come see me in two weeks we already have the tickets booked!" I told her.

"But Michigan sucks!" she countered back with.

"Hey! What about me! So much for best friends!" Becca laughed.

"You would come with of corse! And we could open up a bridal shop and everything! We could buy our own apartment  and everything!" She argued.

"You're forgetting one thing. Well two one we don't have the money and two I need to focus on getting a soccer scholarship for college!" I told her.

"Mallory we are only in 11th grade! you have a whole year to think about that but right now all I'm thinking is CALI HERE I COME!" She said loudly.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much" I say while laughing at her.

"We love you Mal,"  They say together as we pull together for a group hug.

"Last Call for flight 118 to California" The lady at the desk called.

"Well thats me guys I've got to go I'll text you once I get there love you both!" I say before giving them one more hug and walking off to my plane. Well this was it I was going to leave Michigan and go to sunny California. With one final deep breath I stepped on to the plane and took my seat.

"We will be leaving shortly please buckle up" The captain said. I clipped my belt thing and and fell to sleep.

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