Chapter 24: area code

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That evening, I finished dinner quickly to head into Stefa's room. She wasn't reading this time, but hovering over a piece of paper with lines drawn on it. She glanced up when I entered, but returned to her staring contest with the page.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a map of the building," she said. "I've been prowling around. It would be pretty simple to get away, provided they aren't tracking us."

"I'll see what I can find out," I promised, thinking that I could now just ask Grant outright if we were tagged.

"Haven't seen you since you got your blood drawn, what happened? You pass out?"

I sighed and sat down on one of her couches. Stefa came over to sick with me with a little worry in her eyes.

"Grant's a vampire," I replied. "He's using my blood to stave off the symptoms."

Stefa snorted. "Being a vampire isn't like being sick. But really? Grant? It must be working; I couldn't tell." She laughed. "A hunter turning into a vampire. He must be freaking out."

"A little," I admitted.

I had promised not to tell about the alpha bond with my blood, but I didn't like keeping secrets from Stefa. Still, I was a little worried what she would ask of me if she did find out, so I left it alone.

"Must be why your blood tastes so bad: it's medicine," she joked. "I almost want to experiment; do you think they've counted the vials? I could grab a couple."

"I have no idea," I answered. "But I have a whole body full of blood right here."

Stefa groaned. "But then I have to taste it. You still are gross."

"You are the one who wants to try it," I said. "Grant can go outside."

That caught her attention and she glance down at my wrist with a bit more interest.

"I don't think it would cure me," she mused. "But if I can stomach the taste...escaping could be easier. A lot easier." She grinned. "And when we do, I have half a mind to take Grant with us."


"So he doesn't have to fight what's happening to him," she said. "Hunters can't accept that vampires and werewolves are still people. Excepting you, of course." Stefa snuggled up next to me. "God, this place is something else. I'm glad to be out of a cell. And I'm glad to have my own room, full of couches and a shower and clothes. Being on the run is rarely this glamorous."

"We've got some planning to do," I reminded her. "And are you ever going to show me how to really fight?"

She eyed me for a moment, as if sizing me up.

"Not here," she said. "I don't want to hurt you and someone take notice. Any real fight we have will be messy and loud."

She gave me a sly grin which I wasn't sure how to interpret. So I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment. I needed to call Ralph before I fell asleep.

"And you're not messing with me, right?" Stefa asked just before I dozed off.. "Grant is really a vampire? And he really is drinking your blood?"

"Not drinking," I yawned. "They inject it."

"I was wondering how he was palating the taste," she replied. "I bet that's why he's vegan; they don't want him touching anything with blood in it. That poor man. I wonder what would happen if he drank blood."

I shrugged and then reluctantly rose from the couch.

"I should call Ralph," I told her. "I'll come by after?"

She nodded. "I'll be here."

I crept down the hall, though I saw and heard no one. I didn't want anyone to notice that I was using the phone to call home. I didn't know if phones kept that sort of information, but hopefully not.

I closed the door behind me and hopped up on the countered, dialing on the clunky big numbers. Ralph picked up on the first ring.

"Conor, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine," I promised. "How's everyone?'

"Better. We're better. Im so glad you found a way to contact us. Listen, we traced your area code, you're somewhere in New Mexico; I'm sure that..."

Ralph was cut off abruptly by a stern female voice

"Hi Conor," Mel said. "I am trying to talk him out of taking the whole pack down south, but it is not going well. Tell me you're leaving soon. Tell me you'll be home soon."

"I'm working on it," I answered. "Please don't come down here. I couldn't bear it if they caught you. I want to make sure they can't track me. And I have a friend: Stefa. It's not just me."

"Oh? A lady friend? Are you two together?"

"We are not courting," I said firmly. "Though she wants to. Tell me how things are."

"Ralph cleaned out the whole shop, we have bedrooms for nearly everyone, though to be honest most nights the pack is piled in your room sleeping. We had a bummer crop of tomatoes, which is good because Brian and Katie ate most of them. Susie Lynn still got to go to summer camp; it's during the new moon, which was a mercy. She would have been so disappointed."

"That's good."

I was happy they had normal lives without me, but I knew that the pit in my stomach was the pangs of homesickness. I didn't know how much longer I could pretend I wanted to be here, when I truly wanted to be Montana.

"I should go," I said. "I don't want to be caught. I'll call again later this week?"

"Please do, anytime, you know that," she replied. "Stay safe. That's an order, Conor."


Conor is a little foolhardy with the truth on all sides, he's not as good at withholding information from people he cares about.  Thanks for reading!

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