Final Chapter: New Necklace

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Ritsuka was glowing! There's a shining light radiating off of her, brighter than you've ever seen. This must be the power of the grimoire, but why is it just now activated. You want to as Mage but you doubt that he would hear you. Besides, you wanted to see what Ritsuka was up to. She was walking up to Lord Nesta with a dagger and she seemed so calm. 'Is she going to kill him?' You thought, but when she got up to the king she turned and started heading towards the statue. Without hesitation, she plunges the dagger threw the statue, causing Lord Nesta to cry out in pain. There was a flash of light and he died. Slowly, everyone started to get up. You stood up and held your hand out to Mage which he grabbed to help himself up. He looked down at you and you smiled up at him. You were glad that this was finally over, that Ritsuka was safe.
"Ritsuka!" You hear Lindo shout, and your quickly look over and see that she had fainted. Luckily, Rem caught her and was waking her up. You sigh in relief and Mage drapes his arm around you, giving you a reassuring smile and ruffling your hair, causing you to blush. 'We did it Azuna' you think, looking up at the night sky.
You were all by the water, watching Ritsuka and Rem talk. It was nice seeing her happy and not have to worry about her being kidnapped.
"Come on (Y/n), I'm going to take you home," you turn and see Mage standing behind you, a little embarrassed. You nod and take one last look at Ritsuka before following Mage to back to the city. "Were not going to fly this time?" You ask coming up beside him, and he shakes his head. "No, walking would be better, since this is probably the last time well be together. You stop walking and look up at him confused.
"What are you talking about?" You question, hoping he was just messing with you. He sighs and walks over to you. "Us devils were only here for the grimoire, since that's all over, were not needed here anymore." You couldn't help but get emotional. "But I need you here," you say quietly. Mage grabs your hands and looks you in the eyes. "I'm really sorry (Y/n), but we just can't stay," he says, then he takes your hand and starts walking. "Unless you want to come live with me," he looks down at you but you just sigh. That was out of the question and you knew it. You wanted to be with Mage but you couldn't just leave your family, no matter how bad they were. The rest of the walk was quiet but you enjoyed the silence. When you reached your house you guys sent to your room window.
"Well, I guess this is good bye," you say awkwardly. You sucked at goodbyes and you really didn't know exactly what you wanted to say to Mage. "Yeah..." Was all he said. You guys stand their for a couple minutes then Mage leans down and kisses you, more gently than before. You return the kiss and feel almost disappointed when its over. "I love you Mage," you say in a shaky voice. "I love you too, (Y/n)," he says then turns to leave but you stop him. "Mage wait!" You say and reach to take off your necklace. "What are you doing?" He asks you and you place the necklace in his hands. "I want you to have this," you say, giving him your grandmas necklace. He just waves it away. "I'm not taking that from you," he says shaking his head but you insist. "So you'll remember me," you tell him and he sighs and finally accepts it. "Goodbye (Y/n)," Mage says and after one last look at you, he vanishes. You wait for a second, unable to believe that he's really gone. After a couple minutes you open your window with tears in your eyes and go back into your room.
Its been 3 weeks and you wake up to get ready for school. Surprisingly, your parents have been very nice to you which was weird. Probably because they thought that something bad happened to you when you didn't come home for a couple of days. You felt bad for making them worry but you were glad to find out that they still cared for you. You were brushing your hair when your phone rings. "Hello? Oh hey Ritsuka...yeah I'll meet you there... Bye!" You and Ritsuka had been walking to school together every day since that night and you enjoyed the fun talks you guys had. "Bye Mom!" You called then walked out the door, but you notice something at the end of you gate. When you get closer you see that its a little box with a ribbon it. 'To (Y/n),' you read the tag then flip it over to read the back. 'You didn't think I was going to leave you with nothing, did you?' It read and immediately you know who its from. You quickly open the box and see a necklace with a little M charm and a heart on it.
You smile and your eyes begin to well up with tears of joy. You remove the necklace from the box and shove the box in your bag. Then you put on the new necklace and look up at the sky. It was such a nice day and yours had just gotten even better. "Thank you Mage, I love you," you say then turn and make your way down the street to meet Ritsuka, your new necklace hanging proudly around your neck.

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