Walking On Water When The Ground Ain't Enuf: INTRODUCTION

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Walking On Water When The Ground Ain’t Enuf:  INTRODUCTION

You unlock this door with the key of faith.  Beyond it is another dimension.  A dimension of grace.  A dimension of trust.  A dimension of favor.  You’re moving into a land of both hope and substance, of things seen and unseen.  You’re about to cross over into the first book in the The WOW Zone™ Series, Walking On Water When The Ground Ain’t Enuf.

WOW is the acronym for Walking OWater.  Life  in The WOW Zone™ is a way of living that empowers you to get through everything and overcome anything with water-walking faith in God.  It is synonymous with believing what God says in His Word to the point where acting on it becomes as vital as breathing.

This way of life we strive for is based on Matthew 14:22-31.  It’s the amazing story of Jesus, naturally so, walking on water.  Empowered by Jesus’ simple command, “Come to me,” Peter, by faith, steps out of the boat and supernaturally walks on the water toward Jesus.

Perhaps Peter was given the opportunity to empower his life, but God knew the story would be shared with us so that we, too, would come to believe that as regular, earthly people we can listen to that small still voice of Jesus in our hearts and step out of our own boats (comfort zones, if you will) and trust Him to enable us to exhibit the same faith as Peter. We, too, can walk on His waters to the glorious lives He preordained for us.  And perhaps, in allowing us to see Peter’s weaknesses as he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the billowing waves around him, his faith wavered and he began to sink.  But in not letting Peter sink, Jesus assures us that even when we take our eyes off of Him and get enveloped in the situation and circumstances that surround us, He’ll be there for support. As Matthew 14:31 calls out from ages past, “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’”

So this story is not just about potent, sacred words on a page but a living and breathing personal, intimate promise that speaks to our hearts and minds across the living waters of time. It is a new way of living, trusting and leaning on God through whatever life brings our way.  We can use it to develop, grow, and live a life worthy of our calling as chosen ones—water-walkers!

So when you need a physical or emotional healing for yourself or loved ones, today, like spoken to His child, disciple and friend, Peter, Jesus says to us, “Come to me.”

When you’ve been laid off, the unemployment benefits run out, and the job interviews are not turning into job offers as quickly as you hoped, listen to the still small voice, as Jesus invites, “Come to me.”

When the bills multiply faster than roaches can scatter when you turn the lights on, stop and listen to the voice that taps gently on the door of your heart.

When you feel like a motherless child and friends forsake you, the voice is clear, if you’re willing to shut out the whispers of doubt and the clamor of the world, you’ll sense the Holy Spirit’s whisper, “Come to me.”

When you don’t know where the tears end and the shower begins, cry out to God; He’s waiting.  He’ll answer, in a still, quiet voice, “Come, let’s walk on the water, you and I.”

When you feel like you’re too old to dream and it’s too late to care, He knows it’s your low-self esteem that speaks for you and still, the Creator of the universe and universes yet discovered, holds you high as His child and friend.  Shhhh.  He whispers, “Come to me.”

When you’re young and feel like no one cares for you or you’ve been in one unloving foster care or group home setting too many, or bullies taunt you to hide soul sicknesses of their own, Jesus seeks to remind you that He cares and encourages you, “Come to me.”

When traumatic memories of your past get a chokehold on your todays and try to sabotage your future, He will say, “Come to Me.”

When the “I’ll nevers” outweigh the “One day I wills,” He pleads, “Come to Me.”

When your life seems encrusted with dried mud and your back is against the proverbial wall, Jesus tenderly calls you by name and says, “Come to me.”

After you’ve been tossed that last load of bricks that you hope won’t break your spirit or your back, Jesus invites you, “Come, all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  For my yoke is easy and my burdens light.”

When you feel lonely in your perfect marriage and alone with your right crowd; when you feel homeless in a mansion and poverty-stricken on your yacht, Jesus beseeches, “Come let’s walk on the water, you and I.”

After I’ve prayed, cried and snotted about whatever … after the visiting bishop and ministry team who laid hands on me and anointed my head with olive oil have left the building, do I trust God?  After the makeup is off, the jewelry is on the dresser and I’m alone, faced with myself, no longer able to rely on myself, during those times I dared to trust God.

When there is no one who sees me but God, my testimony bears witness that because of God’s grace, mercy, and love, I’ve become—through it all—woman enough to believe God.  I’ve heard enough sermons, cried enough tears to know when to take God at His Word and untie my boat from the shore, launch out into the deep waters, step out of the boat and get my faith wet.

When in the stillness of the night, in your heart you sense His whisper saying, “Come to me. Trust me,”step out of the comfort zone of your boat into the WOW Zone where walking on water is a way of life.

As we follow Jesus, He will make us fishers of men, women and children.  Our faith will take the steps for us and our testimonies will help us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.  And when we sometimes falter as we look and listen to the thrashing waves all around us, like with Peter, Jesus will reach out His Hand and catch us—pulling us safely back to the surface.  And perhaps He will scold us—gently, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?

Copyright © 2010 by Stanice Anderson

All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-0-615-33804-0 (pbk)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2010917541

Published by Shout Glory LLC

Anacostia Station, P.O. Box 30430, Washington, DC 20030

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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