Chapter 4: The chase

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Fallon Avery

It took every ounce of my determination to hold my unblinking stare with Demetrius. He'd had more than enough drink to keep his moral compass from pointing due north, yet I could feel the cold sweat beginning to break across the nape of my neck. In my head I slowed my counting down, hoping he'd make a decision in my favour. Slowly, Demetrius leaned forward as he stared into my own eyes. I stayed rock still, aware that the crowds around were becoming more and more rowdy but chose to resist the urge to flee just in case the man in front of me agreed to be my translator.

For the first time tonight Demetrius reached out, placing his warm hand on top of mine and I felt the cold sweat begin to heat up. I was so close to having him agree to my offer and finding the missing puzzle piece that would lead to my new adventure. It was so close I could almost taste it! I leaned forward, my eyes never wavering from his, yet I mentally kept myself in control of the situation. Demetrius moved closer still, his fingers tightened slightly over my wrist as his mouth hovered by my ear.

Barely audible over the shouts, fights and furniture breaking he whispered into my ear, "I believe tonight is the night that a King's man has found you... and will return with you in shackles, Pirate Queen."

Suddenly his grasp tightened, however, I hadn't avoided cell bars by mere coincidence. I swallowed down my disappointment at the loss of such a perfect candidate and tugged my hand harshly to pull it away from him, while also relaxing my upper body. I mustered up a sweet smile, "Five seconds are up, dear Demetrius. Pity..."

With a quick rotation of my wrist I freed my hand from his grasp and kicked my leg out to make hard contact with the legs of his wooden stool. With the mixture of surprise, too much alcohol and loss of balance Demetrius fell to the ground with a heavy thump, swiping his hand across the bar to find some sort of hold, but only managing to spill the remnants of the whisky we had yet to drink. In a matter of seconds I grabbed my hat, crashed it onto my hair and sprinted into the midst of the bar fight, managing to easily dodge the flying chairs, fists and men being thrown around.

Adrenaline was pumped madly around my body and the loud thud thud thud of my heart beat furiously in my ears. This was the closest anyone had come to catching me and the thrill of near-capture had me smiling like a crazed woman. I ducked out of The Siren's Grotto and dashed through the alleys around the corner while shoving bystanders aside. With my identity discovered it was no longer safe for my crew and I to stay any longer in Bruvendär tonight, I would have to either come back to find my translator another time or travel to a less popular port to try my luck – which I knew wouldn't be as great.

"Pirate Queen! Stop! I demand you to stop!"

I swung my head around and my eyes widened in disbelief when they fell on Demetrius hot on my trail. The sound of my heeled boots stomping loudly on the cobblestones echoed loudly as I ran left and right into different alleys to try and lose the man chasing me. Despite my efforts Demetrius was keeping up, even gaining on my tail slowly, and I mentally applauded the man considering the copious amount of whisky consumed! I was breathing hard now and every few turns I'd throw a glance back, only to see him panting as he gave chase. Frustration over took me at the devilishly handsome man, he should never have been able to keep up with me the way he has!

As I turned another corner I spied a large barrel. I picked up speed and, as I neared it, pushed up on my foot and jumped onto the barrel, using it to jump once more up onto the roof top of the merchant's store beside it. Without stopping to glance around or catch my breath I continued running once more, jumping over the gaps between buildings and continuing on to the next building like jumping from rock to rock across a river.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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