Potato Chip and Pudding plus a note from yours truly

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Potato Chips and Pudding

This is kind of obvious. Potato chips. Bowl. Pudding. Another bowl. Couch. TV. Derp.

Hey! I'm not dead celebrate! The only time in the day I have to update is when I'm supposed to be sleeping so... But I'm not tired tonight so lucky you! I'll update the others soon. Hopefully sometime this week... Now. I do apologize for unforgivable lack of updating. But stuff happens. Like school. Having to make new friends BECAUSE ALL YOUR OLD ONES LEFT YOU ALONE! LOOKING AT YOU PERSON I KNOW! Ugh. Being social. Gross. KIDDING! I'm fine with talking to people most the time... Right. SL probably won't be updated tonight. OTl might be updated. It all depends if I fall asleep while writing or not. Basically this is just one big long not of stuff I need to say to my creepers. Followers. Minions. Whatever. What should I call you guys? I want to name you. Suggest something or I'll just start calling all yall my minions. Okay. Do I have anything else to say? I don't think so... I have another idea for a book that includes Sherlock... Um... doctor Who fanfiction shall be written as well. Actually that will probably be a series... Don't take my word for it. I'm just the WRITER. Oh! I'll call you Derp Heads! No I won't. That's an insult. Actually it's not because derp doesn't mean anything. It just is. I'm just rambling. Lalalalala! Okay. I'm pretty much finished. Bye-bye my Minions!

\m/ >.< \m/


Hippo milk is pink!

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