Death only comes with summer

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It was Summer's sixth birthday she ran in my room and I slid the note under my pillow before she could see it.

"Kevin mommy's still sleeping!" She's been sleeping a lot these days every since her newest boyfriend decided that the kids were to much for him to handle. He was just another one that can't handle the 'responsibilities' of an emotionally unstable 17 year old and an overly excited soon to be six year old.

"I don't care Summer go away!" I know I should have gone to check on mom right then and there, I mean it was three in the afternoon and it was her daughters birthday, but I wanted to do something first, so Summer decided to go wake her up. I stuck my hand under my pillow and re-read the letter

'Hey Kev,

I'm not coming for Spring's what is it her forth birthday now? Sorry, anyways tell your mom to shut the f**k up about the f**king child support. Talk to you soon. I might have to go to jail here for a little bit but I'll be out before you turn 21 so we can go party. They only gave me two years this time.'

He can never remember anything he is always drunk, I don't think he has ever been sober except for when he went to prison for two years. I have been protecting Summer from him for close to four years now, she doesn't need to have that kind of man in her life I would rather her have no father than him as a father. I started to cry and slowly reached my hand under my bed and pulled out the blade I needed to so bad.

'Just one or two slices and I'll be better...' One or two turned into three or four then five, six, seven, eight, nine...that's when I heard it, it was so loud that ten went way too deep. I jumped and hit my head so hard that everything went blurry and I couldn't walk straight. I ran to the stairs as fast as I could and as soon as I got there Summer fell into my arms, she was soaked in something warm that smelled like...'no that's just my arm it is bleeding pretty bad the last cut was very deep.' I thought to myself.

I was so dizzy and my eyes wouldn't let me see past the red haze that was covering everything. I didn't realize until my head cleared that it wasn't my eyes that were seeing red it was that Summer and everything else was covered in blood. My legs gave in and after a minute I realized I had stopped breathing my head started to fog over and I didn't know what to do. I heard movement so I looked up and at the top of the stairs stood the one woman I hate most in my life. She shot her only daughter on her sixth birthday and all that woman could do was laugh and say, "Don't look so upset you'll get your turn soon enough."

With the strength I had left I stood up and ran to the front door when I got it open the few neighbors, the ones that had stuck their heads out their doors to see what the commotion was about, ran over and tried to help I wouldn't let any of them touch Summer I couldn't stop crying and I couldn't breathe. I didn't have enough energy left in my entire body to fight off the 20 people that were trying to take Summer away from me, but I could at least fight one. I got up and pushed my way back up to the house, to the door, to the foot of the stairs, and slowly I walked up each step until I reached the top.

"You stupid little f**k you couldn't just let her die you had to go and be the f**king hero well sometimes the good guys don't win this is just one of those times." She raised the gun up to my face and I blacked out, when I came to I was covered in blood, and I couldn't seem to open my eyes, my head was so dizzy and I was so weak that I couldn't even get one half way open. I heard something that was making a slow beeping noise it sounded weak and unstable I also heard a loud wailing sound coming from somewhere near by maybe just outside, was I inside? I tried to push myself up but something was holding me down it was tight, too tight. My heart sped up and my whole body started to shake violently suddenly more things jumped on me and started to push me down, and I felt something stab into my arm and it all started to go blurry and I became weaker and weaker. While I was out I tried to remember what had happened all I could remember was the note, the noise, the blood, and...I jumped up and screamed.

"Summer!" My whole body began to quiver as the silence of this cold room became apparent to me no one moved or no one was around to move, but that beeping noise was still there only this time it was louder, a bit stronger, and more stable sounding, funny that's how I felt. I let my head clear and while I did this I began to assess myself, my right arm felt stiff, there was something making it hard for me to breathe through my nose, something was dripping very close to my ear, and my head seemed to be engulfed in a haze. I let myself slip back into a state of semi consciousness, I was trying to let everything clear up, but all that seemed to happen was a sharp stabbing pain began to throb in the right side of my stomach. The pain made me scream I couldn't stop my screams they came out as howls and once they started they wouldn't stop. I was screaming so loud I couldn't hear the people running in and out of the room shouting commands over my shrieks of pain and loss. Finally after the room was totally empty other than me did the pain finally completely come to a stop everything was foggy again I couldn't tell what was going on.

"Hello? Someone please help me please tell me where I am I just wanna know where I am! Please someone just tell me what's going on!" A sweet voice answered me when she spoke it sounded like she was singing her voice was soft and comforting I wanted to do what ever this women wanted me to do.

"'s okay just go back to sleep you'll be fine just go back to sleep." So I did just that, I went back to sleep.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 17, 2010 ⏰

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