Intro - Where there is hope, there is...

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Do you ever think about it? No, not about love. Hope. Without hope, what would we be like? Imagine this. It's night time and you are going to sleep. There's an alarm clock beside you on the desk. You would set an alarm for it to wake you up in the morning. Don't you? And that is a sign of hope you retain inside you. Because you hope, whether you know or not if you're going to survive the next day, that you will wake up. There's a suggestion of hope in nearly every thought, word and action. Excluding all those souls out there who can and wake up without needing to set an alarm clock. Well... You souls out there, if this reminds you of yourself... I should be scared... in fact, I charm you. You have one BIG fat hope. You're a hopeful fairy... or a man, unless you're a boy reading this. One thing I can't say though or really much decide is "You should feel proud!". Hope is such a controversial topic nowadays that everyone has different meanings they hold up against it, juxtaposing. Good or bad it does at the moment, you beautiful souls out there because you are hoping in agony you will find your blessing at the end of the pain. I feel your pain. There is some sort of light from God or Allah and it's peaceful.

Tell me. Do you ever wonder why you may feel that peace when you reach hope? Does the peace decay when you are out of hope? Is it possibly something we rely on to find solution to our suffocation or to smile?


I know how you may feel now. Betrayed. Lied to. Sorrowful. Angry. You felt that hope was holding your hand and leading you to a bright path. Well it is true. There's no lie to that. It makes you feel that way and most of us are lucky that we didn't break the promise we owe to our hopes.

Hope is something bigger. Hope - you can find it easily inside you. We all are imaginative and dreamy souls. We deserve to hope. Hope doesn't let you down. Know this. It's only you. Your subconscious may be right sometimes, it speaks of reality. But... remember, hope is as real as reality. It lives and breathes like reality.

Think about it. Is this world even real? And if there wasn't hope in any mankind centuries ago... would we be here. Or... God or Allah (however you may wish to name) hoped on us. Hoped on us mankind to create the things we thought once is impossible. There are more hopeful souls out there than you think I tell myself just like me... and they wonder just like you. Most of them don't believe in other's hope and that's why you cannot see it. Because then you lose hope too. And eventually hope will reduce. What will happen then?

Did I get you thinking.... hoping now? I hope so.

Hi, I'm named by whom I have a BIG FAT hope towards. His manly attribution that strokes my heart. And this is my advice to you souls out there. You are all beautiful just like me. In your own way.

I can't help it. He makes me more hopeful sometimes. Isn't that miraculous? I always mention him in my prayers. Maybe that's why. Allah is giving me a reason to hope.

There's a long journey I and all of the lost souls out there, and you! I speak to myself like this. I do. But it's all intended for souls like me. I love you.

One more before I go and come back okay souls? Don't give up on love and always hope no matter what you hear or do or say. I say this to myself.

I love him, boldly. This is where it begins.

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