I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls... Pitiful I Know by DarknessandLight

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Lexi Grayson is a normal teenager, as normal as she can be with her unobserving skills and her overthinking mind. But she might need the overthinking if she wants to unravel the smirking mystery that is Blake Eaton.

If you haven't read this story yet I must say you are missing a lot. I love this book so much that I cannot think my life without it. This book has become my safe haven, whenever I feel down I read it and it never fails to make me happy no matter how many times I re-read it. I could actually write a book about why I love this story so much and it would be a thousand pages.
The love between Blake and Lexi is so unique, pure and so beautiful that it makes my heart clench. They are absolutely the best couple. And one more good thing about I Sold Myself to the Devil for the Vinyls Pitiful I Know is that there are spin offs and sequels so that you can get more out of their cuteness and perfection. There are so many reasons why I'm in love with this book and one of them is the wide range of art and literature references. I just
love every book and art piece that is mentioned and I have learned some great poets like Robert Desnos thanks to Blake which means Kay. So I'm sure this book will leave a mark and teach you some amazing stuff. I Sold Myself is just a lot more than a cliche Wattpad book. It's just immensely beautiful. I hope you really understand the references and could read between the lines, that's what makes this book so special to me.
Now go read it guys! I promise you won't regret it. I hope this book becomes your safe haven, too and make you happy and feel so good as much it made me.
Thank you so much Kay for writing this amazing story I will love you forever for it you don't know how many times you saved me with this book.

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