Chapter 24 - Wedding Day

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Jean Verodine

"Miss Verodine , wake up" Suddenly someone shook my shoulder and I quickly open my eyes. The sun rays hit my eyes and I can't help but buried my face inside my blanket.

"Miss" She poked me

"I'm up" I sit up and looked at the clock. It's 7 in the morning. I felt my body is hurting , the abuse that Will gave me is already off my limits. My body already getting weak.

"Miss you have to take a shower now , the makeup aritst is already waiting for you downstairs" My eyes widen and I turned to her

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at her

"Your wedding miss" Oh yeah I forget , I'm going to marry a devil. I can't believe this is happening , I sighed and make my way to the bathroom.

Stripping myself and take a shower really fast. As I walked out from the bathroom , I saw William sitting on the bed smirking at me.

"Hey baby , good morning" He walked to me and kissed my lips

"Morning" I decided to make his mood steady not drop until he's mad like a caveman

"Let's go have breakfast and then you can put the makeup on and wedding dress on. We're having a wedding at 10.30" He smiled and I nodded weakly

"Come on" He took my hand and walked down to the dining room. The breakfast is already serve , it's a bowl pf mushroom soup and garlic bread.

"Your favourite , mushroom soup with garlic bread" He smiled and kissed the side of my head

"Thanks" I said and sit , taking the spoon and sipped it

"Where do you want to go for honeymoon baby?" He asked and I can't help but choked on my soup. I coughed so hard

"There there" He gave me a glass of water and patted my back slowly

"Europe? Maldives? Where do you want to go?" To hell

"You pick" I said and he nodded

I'm not interested having a conversation with William right now , my thoughts are all about Blake. There's thousands of question that I want to ask about Blake but it seems impossible.

I miss him

I miss his touch , his kiss , his hug , his smile , his smirk , his manly scent , his warmness and everything him. I love him , that's the most hurting part of my feelings.

I have to protect him , whatever it takes. I won't let William touch him. I won't William get him.

"I'll get my make up done okay?" I said and he nodded. I walked to the living room where the makeup artist waiting. I sit and looking at mirror , I let them do my make up.

Today I'm going to be William's wife , it's my choice. I have to do this so he won't hurt Blake. You can survive Jean , in the past you can survive so you can survive now.

I looked at my left hand , there's a scratch because William was so mad about me phoning Alexis yesterday. He abuse me again and again , I have so many bruise and even my cheek are swollen because his slapped me three times yesterday.

This is hell

"You look beautiful Miss Verodine" Suddenly the make up artist said and I just gave her a weak smile

"You can change you wedding gown now miss , it's already 9.20" She said and I nodded. I walked to one of the guest room and change to my wedding gown with the help of Will's maid.

I looked at myself that the mirror , the devil really buy the wedding gown that I suppose to wear in my wedding with Blake. I sighed , tears filling up my eyes.

Why is the world so cruel?

"Jean , let's go" William suddenly walked in , his eyes widen

"You're so beautiful baby" He kissed my bare shoulder and looked at me with full of lust


"Tonight you're going to be mine baby , all mine" I rather be dead

"Come on" He pulled me out and dragged me to the car real fast. I looked at him with a questioning eyes.

"We're going to the church honey" He smiled

'Church? How dare you face God with those mental? Psychopath!' I want to say that but I hold it , I want to make sure Blake is safe so he can kill me and I die in peace.

After a few minutes , we arrived at the church. I saw that the church is surrounded with a lot of bodyguards. There's around 30 of them guarding the church

"What is this for William?" I asked as I walked out from the car

"Our safety honey" He kissed my hand

When I walked in , I felt my body is really hurting again. My body isn't working well , the bruise on my body is everywhere and plus the scratch that I got last night is making me worse.

The amount of blood that came out make me weak.

"Let's walk in baby" He said and gestured me to link my arm to his , I can't help but obey him.

We walked in slowly as I can see the priest already standing there waiting for us. There's no one inside except me , Will and the priest.

Suddenly I heard a gun shots outside , my eyes widen. I turned but William force me to look straight forward.

"Will something happen" I said but he ignored me , we almost arrive in front the priest when I heard the side door open.

My eyes widen as I saw Blake holding a gun with a couple of guys behind him and in front of him.

"Blake" I mumbled

"Oh Blake Samuel , it's nice to see you" William smirked and suddenly he took out 2 guns from his back. My body froze as he pointed one gun at me.

"Put that gun down Merion" Blake said coldly and I slowly walk backwards

"Do you bring the stock Blake?" William asked and I can't help turned to Blake

"I bring it" Blake took a brown big envelope from his bodyguard behind him

"Put that gun down Blake and your minions too" William said coldly

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Blake bursted angrily at him but his eyes kept looking back at me and William. Blake doesn't listen to William , instead of putting down his gun. He walked to William closer.

Suddenly William shoot a bullet to my body , I can't help but fall on the ground

"Jean! Jean!" I heard Blake calling me , I hold my stomach. He shoot right on my left waist. My body is to weak and I feel like dying.

Suddenly I heard a gun shots sound and I kept praying to God to give Blake safety. Let Blake live please , I love him.

"Jean Jean" I heard he's calling my name but my eyes slowly dropping because my body can't take it anymore.

The bruises in my body , the wounds in my hands and legs and the bullet that was shot to my body makes me feel dead.

"Jean!" Suddenly I saw Blake beside me shouting my name

"Jean baby please stay with me!" He hold my hand and picked me up but that's where my eyes close totaly.

Prologue : Loving Blake CosterWhere stories live. Discover now