Meeting her Roomate

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When she reach at college she saw a hot boy she like  , she met a new friend her name was Jhaniya Dawson and Naheelah McKayla she first met them and said hi my name is Jada Phillips ,Jhaniya greet her back and said hi my name is Jhaniya Dawson and this is my friend   Naheelah McKayla. She then went up to the lady to ask her for a key and her door number, she hand her a key and tell her a door  number her door number was 435 she followed the door numbers 430  431 ,432 ,433 ,434, 435 finally 435 I wonder who is my Roomate she open the dorm room  door the dorm was empty well that gives more time to unpack while she was unpacking the door bust open, she was frightened when she look at her roomate is like she saw God the boy walked in and said" my Name is Javony Bolt what's yours" she said" my name is Jadaa Phillips" she stammered as saying it .Javony said" you are pretty too" she said "thanks you are too but instead of pretty you are hot," well after  talking alot he said" I have to go sorry beautiful" she blushed. She went outside and saw him with a girl hugging her up which was Jhaniya Dawson she started to get mad but when she heard him say sis she  was frightened  she walked up and said to her that's your brother she said Yes she asked me how I know him I said he's my Roomate.

Well that was a relief

Kiss Jada

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