Chapter 2

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The girl that had appeared began crying for help.

"Nee-san, hang on!" She kept saying. Nee-san? I thought. I'm not her sister, I've never met this girl before.

"Rukia! What's wrong?" I strong male voice demanded.

"It's Kyiomi! She's alive but she's badly hurt. We need Unohana taichou." The girl named Rukia shouted. Now that she'd gotten someone's attention she jumped down into the crater, kneeling beside me.

"Unohana will be here soon Nee-san, please hold on," she begged. As if she had reminded me of how tired I was, my eyelids drooped heavily.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. I was too tired to pull away from her, no matter how much I wanted to. I looked at my stomach and saw the blood flow was slowing down considerably. My heart was beating slowly and my vision was growing blurry. I still tasted blood on my tongue.

"Please stay awake," Rukia begged. I groaned in response. I felt a slight breeze and then a new presence. There was a woman kneeling opposite Rukia with long black hair braided under her chin. She had a motherly feel about her, but her face was very serious and worried. She was saying something that I couldn't understand. She was so quiet and her face was blurring away. I couldn't fight the sleepiness anymore, I let it take me.

My dreams were extremely vivid. The first was of me and the woman with braided hair, but I wasn't looking through my eyes, I was watching like an outsider. We had zanpakuto pointed at each other and we were both panting hard, sweating and bleeding. Her sword was a normal silver blade with a red hilt while mine was a black blade with a bright purple hilt.

Nothing about this dream felt right. This woman was helping me, why would we fight? I paused. Or, maybe she wasn't helping me, after all?

She confirmed my suspicion when she lunged forward and stuck her blade through my shoulder. I was surprised when I actually felt it. I gritted my teeth against the pain while my dream self jumped away from her and called something I didn't quiet catch, and the zanpakuto in my hands was enveloped in a black light.

As the light began dissipating I saw that I was left holding a black scythe with a carving of a moon in the middle that was nearly as tall as me. At a second glance I could see that the moon looked as if it were dripping some sort of liquid.

As soon as the last if the light disappeared, I yelled a new command. The tip of her scythe fell away and all surrounding shadows were pulled in around it. They swirled around each other and began forming a three dimensional shape. At first it just looked like a bubble, but it began taking the shape of a winged woman made completely of darkness. Her wings looked like they were once angel wings, but now were jagged and torn.

She stood with her back to my dream self, staring at her opponent.

I caught a glimpse of her face and what I saw gave me chills. She was beautiful, just like you would imagine an angel, but her eyes were a bloody red and she had crimson streaks from the corners that disappeared under her collar. Her teeth looked like the could tear out someone's throat with ease. The tips of her hair looked like tiny black flames as they flicked around her. It looked like her hair was floating as if there were a breeze blowing around only her.

The dress she was wearing had a low neckline, showing plenty of skin and cleavage. The sleeves were tight around the shoulders and flared at the elbows. The skirt ran all the way to the ground.

How the hell does she move in that thing? I wondered.

The shadow woman suddenly threw back her head and let out a blood curdling shriek. Holding out her hand, I saw the top of my blade. It grew into a scythe that perfectly matched my own.

Lost (Byakuya Kuchiki)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora