+ eighteen +

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I watch as his fluffy blonde hair sways from side to side. He drags his lanky legs toward me and as I look up at his worried face for the first time in months. He hadn’t changed, not the slightest bit. I didn’t realise I was crying until I tasted the salty tears as they hit my mouth.

“Scarlet. Oh my god are you okay? Why did he do this to you, I’m so sorry, I’ve missed you so much.” He rambles and I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around me causing me to jump and push him away from me. He seems taken back, obviously not expecting that one.

“Scarlet-“he starts but cuts himself off, the clear hurt in his face showing.

How can he expect me to just jump into his arms; after all this time? I can’t even register the fact he’s here, it doesn’t seem real. After all those nights crying myself to sleep, wanting him to come back; no, needing him to come back. I needed him and he just left me.

The sound of his husky voice snaps me out of my thoughts and as I look up at him I notice his tear stained cheeks. I slightly raise my eyebrow, gesturing for him to repeat whatever he said.

“I said let’s go, I’m not letting you stay here after all of that.” He whispers, his voice cracking but I shake my head, disagreeing.

“Scarlet, please.” He pleads, staring me straight in the eyes.

I go to shake my head but he picks me up and carries me out of the house. I kick and hit him, trying to get him to let me go, but it’s no use; he won’t budge. I bury my face in his shoulder, engulfing his scent which triggers something in me and I feel the tears bubble up in my eyes. His black V-neck is drenched in my tears but he hasn’t said a word about it.

He lowers me causing my eyes to lock with his blue ones and he wipes away my tears, I flinch at his touch and his face drops further; if that’s even possible. Pulling me along with him, we pass the kitchen of his house where his mother is placed, chopping onions. She looks over at us and beams a smile when she sees Luke. They hug for some time while muttering ‘I miss you’ and ‘I love you’. When they pull away and her eyes land on me, her grin is replaced with a weak smile.

“Scarlet. I haven’t seen you in so long.” I nod and she smiles before awkwardly turning her attention back to the onions.

“C’mon Scarlet.” Luke says and tugs on my arm, leading me to his room.

I stand in the doorframe, my eyes scanning the room. Like my room, posters bordered the walls. His double bed still had the same plain white sheets, I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out all the memories.

“Scarlet, come here.” He says and pats the spot next to him on the bed, I shake my head and a loud sigh fills the room. I watch as he buries his face in his hands. He takes his head up and his eyes are bloodshot and puffy.

“You’re killing me. Please just talk to me. You can even tell me how much you hate me, just say something. Please.”  He begs as he stares at me. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I can’t bring myself to speak, what the hell is wrong with me. I’m so screwed up. I run to the bathroom and lock it. I drop to the floor, bringing my knees closer to me and sob. And when I say sob, I don’t mean those tiny little sobs, I mean ugly sobbing, and the kind where your breath gets hitched in your throat and it feels like your heart is literally being pulled apart. After some time, a few knocks come from the door and I exhale.

“Scarlet, can I come in?” Luke says his voice hoarse. ‘At least I haven’t been the only one crying’, I think to myself.

“Scarlet… please?”  He says softly and I can just imagine him standing there, ear pressed to the bathroom door, anxiously waiting. I stand up, unlocking the door, opening it slightly and see his glum expression change as the corners of his mouth tug into a smile. He gives me a quick hug.

“I’ll go get some clothes for you to wear, unless you want to wear that?” he says and I shake my head and give him a weak smile. He comes back into the bathroom with a t-shirt and some sweatpants.

“I don’t know if these are alright, just some of my clothes. Um you can change in here.” He mumbles and hands me the clothes.

The sweatpants were a little big and to get them to fit, I had to roll them up three times which caused the back to ride up and just look totally weird so I moved on to the shirt. The shirt was super baggy but it was comfy and came up to my mid-thigh. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed, my hair was a mess, sticking up in every direction, the bags under my eyes were practically black; not to mention the cut just above my eye and my bruised my left eye. I was combing my long hair with my fingers when Luke knocked on the door.

“Are you done yet?” he asks and slowly opens the door. He looked me up and down and I realised I wasn’t wearing pants. I was feeling extremely self-conscious right now, my legs are completely exposed, I’m not wearing sleeves, maybe he’ll see my cuts or-

“Sorry, I didn’t think my clothes would fit you, but you look great don’t worry.” He says reassuringly.

“Are you hungry? Mum’s cooking dinner.” I shake my head and he nods.

“I understand. A lot has happened today. I’m just going to eat; will you be alright here by yourself?”   I nod and he smiles before heading out the door.


I sat cross legged, reading the hunger games book that was placed on the night stand when Luke walked into the room and smiled as he saw me.

“It’s a good book isn’t it?” I nod and he sits in front of me.

“Are you tired?” I nod slowly and yawn causing him to chuckle as he turns off the light in his room. He walks over to the bed, opening the sheets and pats the bed, gesturing me to come in. Wait what? He expects me to sleep in this bed with him, like we used to? He notices my hesitating and sighs.

“Scarlet…I don’t think you know how much I’ve missed you, please?” he whispers and I nod before hopping into the bed. He exhales a sigh of relief and slides into the bed, but I scoot over to the other edge making him groan.

“Good night Scarlet.” I hear him whisper; let’s see how much sleep I can get tonight.

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