v/surfing for quality images

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Long time no see folks!

Ahem! So lets not waste any more time and jump right into the tut! And BTW this was requested by corpseparty79. And as the title suggests, this one is about how to source for the images for your covers. Hope this helps!

Well for starters, everybody out there in the wattpad world knows how hard it is to find the perfect pictures for the perfect cover. But at times, we all do have a problem finding the right quality ones, otherwise no matter how good the picture is, it would still look ugly on the cover. And do we want that? Nope. So here it goes, some tips to find the good quality ones. 

S T E P -A The Google Method.

Okay, so like a lot of us do, we can easily google the pics we want to in the google images, and let's say you have found the right pic too, to put on your cover. But what if its resolution is too small? Too bad in quality? 

The answer is only one thing. You can right-click on that image and you are going to get a tab with options like 'OPEN LINK IN A NEW TAB' OPEN LINK IN A NEW WINDOW' etc, The second last option will be 'SEARCH GOOGLE FOR IMAGE' click on that. (I'm sorry, but I'm able to take a shot of the right click window, but hope u understood..)

Lets say this is the image I want...

And as you can see, its in the 400 x 599 resol. But I want more resolutions. Which means a bigger size. So after I do the right click of the image with my cursor, I will get another tab opened with the search of the image in different sizes like this...

Now, as you can see, you can click on the 'ALL SIZES' or 'MEDIUM' or 'LARGE' specifically depending on how big you want the image to be. In my case I want the image to be large, so I click on that..and this is how it will be.

Now you can open any one of the large sized image and save it.

S T E P- B The Tumblr search.

Another easy method of finding good resolution images, directly is to go to sites like weheartit, tumblr, deviantart, etc (the list of some sites are given below) to search for the images directly there. And since they are mostly photographs, they are of very good and high resolutions. But some are copyrighted and blocked from download. Such images you have no other option other than to forget about it and find some other image. 

Some sites:
•Deviantart- this is like d best to get everything in one site. Yes you heard me right. From pngs to brushes to awesome conceptual photography...you name it.
Wattpad. Yup even on wattpad you get pngs, lighting overlays, texture packs. Search for 'resources' in the search bar. And click onto any book that comes. And don't worry. Except PSDS everything else like texture, overlays, fonts and pngs can be used on pixlr as well!!

S T E P- C Stock Images.

Okay, I'm not sure whether this is a step, but it is kinda like a small tip or something like that. So many a times the pics we need and have googled turn out to be stock images or the images which you have to pay money to get full resolution image of the pic, without the watermark. Now what you can do is follow the step A for that vector image. If you are able to find the same image in any non-stock site without the watermark, well and good. Google search that image by step A again. And you may get more resolutions. But in case you don't find a non-stock site at all for that image, then forget about the image and try to source for another.

TIPS While Searching For Images:

#1 Try changing the words you search for. For ex: If googling, 'Lonely girl' doesn't give you any desirable pics, you can alter the search to 'Girl alone' or something like that. Change the vocabulary. Use synonyms. 

#2 Break words. Many sites like Tumblr itself, will have a tag bar while uploading a pic. Just like for us, when we upload a story. Hence use broken sentences. Instead of typing full sentences, type in all the key words related to the pic you want. That way you might get more pics related to what you want. For ex: 'suitcase girl guitar sneakers'

#3 Try the 'view all/view related images' option. Often while searching in google images, when you click on an image you will get a lot of side thumbnails of images, which are related to the image you have just clicked. So click on the 'VIEW ALL' and you may be directed to a page with related images to the image you clicked. Continue doing this until you get directed again and again, and finally you will be able to find the right pic you want.

And That's all Folks, these are the methods and tips, that (hopefully) helps you to google the right images that you want. Well, then, my job here is done. And ya'all got it, I think. I dunno. Comment, PM or whatever, if you still have any doubts and I will help! 

Ta-ta! ^,^

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