Chapter 10

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                I woke up a little bit feeling like I was being moved, I opened my eyes a little bit to see what it was and saw Wolf, he picked me up and started walking down the hall way with me in my arms, I closed my eyes with a tiny smile on my face and went back to sleep in his arms.

                I woke up a little later that day in my bed and looked around the room to see if Wolf was in here with me, but I didn't see him, so I did a really weird thing and started to sniff the room to see if I smelled anything like Wolf, and I caught his foresty scent.

                The day I called Wolf when I became an unnatural I could smell his foresty scent from a mile away, and when I had to ride over here with him I swear I was about to pass out because I couldn't breathe without  getting a lung full of it and it was about to drive me nuts.

                I followed his scent and it lead me to a room full of knives, swords, bows and arrows, ninja stars, blow darts, chains and muzzles. I looked around the room and saw Wolf talking to Blaze the unnatural trainer both had their backs to me. I stood there for a few minutes watching them and I guess Wolf finally caught my scent and turned around and smiled at me and said, “Well I guess someone finally decided to finally come down and join us”, then he looked at Blaze and said, “Let’s go ahead and start her training now so she can know a little bit of what to do if she ever needs to defend herself against the unnatural hunters.”

                Blaze nodded at Wolf then looked at me and said, “Right this way Alpha Shay,” then he walks into a different room that looked just like the one we were already in.

                I followed him into the room and noticed that everything in this room had something that would make it hurt less on it; like it had some type of foam covering on it. I looked at Blaze and saw that he was holding some type of armor that went on your arms and legs. “What is that for”, I asked him and I pointed at what he was holding.

                He looked at me and said, “This is to help defend yourself when you are being attached by unnatural hunters”, then he walks over to me and grabs my arms softly and put the armor on my arms, then he puts the armor on my legs.

                I looked down at my arms and legs and noticed how stiff it felt to have the armor on me. Then I looked at Blaze and saw that he was holding a dagger then he looked up at me, when we made eye contact he said, “I am going to throw this dagger at you and when I do, you try to deflect it.” I nodded my head and put my arms up in front of myself.

                Blaze shook his head and walked over to where I was and pushed on me and I stumbled backwards. “You need to spread your feet apart and stiffen your legs so that you are more stable and nobody can knock you over easily. This stance is called the Totem Pole.” Then he walked back over to where he was and got ready to throw the dagger.

                I laughed and did what he told me to do then I put my arms back up in front of me and watched the dagger carefully and waited for him to throw it at me. When he moved his arm and pretended to throw it I jumped out of the way and hit the floor and expected it to be hurling past me but when I looked at Blaze he was still holding the dagger. Shaking his head at me and said, ”When you are watching the dagger you are not paying attention to the body movement and when you aren’t watching your opponents body movement they can easily trick you and make you do something that would affect you badly like falling and your opponent hurting you while you are down and can’t do anything to defend yourself.” I got up off of the floor and got back in the stance that Blaze had told me to get in earlier and put my arms back in front of me for the third time and watched his hand and arm movement carefully to not miss anything that he did.

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