The Flowers of Romance

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The flowers of romance lay withered and dead,
As shown by the blood running from my head,
Lying on the floor, life expired,
Notice of a love now retired.

Rewind one hour to be told,
Of how this story did unfold,
Events that lead to my untimely demise
Will surely bring a tear to your eyes.

All was well at that time,
Until I committed a terrible crime,
I wished my love would stop her drinking,
But the same thing she wasn't thinking.

She didn't agree and said I was wrong,
For she could handle it as she was strong,
I said she had changed since being on the booze,
Kneeling there begging for her love not to loose.

With her face full of anger she told me to go,
As she looked around for something to throw,
She said her love had long time died,
Words pierced my heart as I knelt and cried.

Her rage was rising at an alarming rate,
Eyes glaring with evil and face full of hate,
The demon drink had poisoned her soul,
And ripped out my heart leaving a hole.

I started to rise for my life I did fear,
As she grabbed a poker lying near,
With almighty force she swung it wide,
Striking my head full on the side.

© A S May 2013

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