trusting him is my worry

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hey everyone thanks for all the support the voting and comments they really mean alot to me guys soooo after the chapter tell me what you think about Damon how is he is he to nice or what

-Annabelle knight


Damon's pov

I was going around the boarder of my line checking for any rouges when I saw her. she had looked so tired and weak ,but I couldn't let my guard down.I tried to make a sneak attack,but she heard me and she looked up, I froze for a minute to look at her, she looked sad and beat up she had cuts dried up blood on her fur but she looked as if she was ready to fight.I wasn't going to wait for her to attack first, so I went lunging toward her. she tried to move but she was to slow I pinned her down she looked at me in the eyes but hers started to close slowly she had passed out.

She turned back into her human form. she was beautiful, amazing skin tone,sulkily dark brown hair.I put my t-shirt on her to cover her up I picked her up and carried her back to my house I placed her in my bed and waited what kind of hell did she go through her cuts started to heal and she stared to come to she sat up and looked around it didn't seem like she saw me sitting there.

"Wow this place is amazing" her voice was soft and light.

"You like it" I said she looked over scared.

She stayed quiet so I decided to keep talking see if she will say anything.

"You scared me there for a minute how are you feeling" the time that she was asleep I thought I had hurt her that's why I had stayed up all night she finally spoke.

"Um hi who are you"

I couldn't help but chuckle and smile that's all she can think of after all she's been through if I'm pretty sure it wasn't easy I would have found a way to leave by now.

"My names Damon miss?

"Makenzie" her name was beautiful just like her, her green blue eyes watched my every move.

"Makenzie you don't have to be scared of me I won't hurt you here" I handed her water she drank up

"Um thanks um where's your pack"

"I don't have one Makenzie I'm a lone wolf not rouge not an alpha but a lone wolf"

"So it's just you here?"

"Yup just I well now you" I could see the panic in her eyes as if I was going to kill her.

  "You're going to keep me here against my will what if I don't want to stay?!"

I couldn't help but laugh "well then it's your choice I won't make you do something you don't want to do you need time to think it over"

She scrunched up her eyebrows and noise as if she was thinking I found it pretty cute


"Yes Makenzie?"

"I want to stay"

Makenzie's pov

I can't stay here long I'll only be here a day or two then I'll leave I can't get close to him or anyone I can't trust anyone not after Jace every day since I left I thought of him he always crossed my mind it a reminder not to trust anyone I have to thank him for that no matter how good looking he is I can't be pulled in

Damon got up went in his closet and came back with fresh clean clothes and a towel.

"Here you can go was up I'll be down stairs making you something to eat when was your last meal?"

I mumbled under my breath not wanting him to hear me

"How long?"

"2 days"

"2 DAYS well how long had you been in wolf form"

"2 weeks"

He shook his head and smiled "well damn you're a strong fighter to live that long in the woods"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath remembering my 3 weeks my fighting my struggling to

Even eat

"I had to fight too, rouges and pack guess they didn't like me on their land"

"You must have had one hell of trainer"

"I never trained I never even did much in gym I just had some serious luck"

He shook his head side to side and got up from his chair "well I'll leave you to it oh here's a makeup kit I'm sure you want it"

when he left I got up and stretched   I looked in the mirror my body I was thin I was the perfect size now I snapped out of it and took a nice well needed shower when I was done I put on the clothes he gave me and looked at myself in the mirror one last time I looked more like my mother now I looked beautiful but it took me to look at myself fat and thin to realize I was always beautiful I went down stairs to the kitchen to see him finish whatever he was making her put it on a plate he looked at me and smiled.

"How you feeling now"

"Much better now thanks"

"Welcome and when were done we have to go somewhere"

Go where was he going to take me?

"No thanks I have to think about where I'm going to go next"

"I thought you said you were going to stay"

I couldn't help but mumble "who would want me to stay with them"

He heard me "Makenzie I don't mind you staying here"

"Why do you want me here so bad anyway?"

He looked away for a minute and looked back at me "because I know what it's like to out there alone both my parents were killed I was 8 I manage to get away but I couldn't find my pack so I had to go on by myself and I don't want anyone to go through what I did you think it get easy but it doesn't you grow trust issues you always have to be on your guard can't let anyone in can't let yourself love"

"I think we have something in common trust me I got all that "I sighed "my life wasn't easy look I don't want to trust you and have you rape and kill me in my sleep.

He started to laughing "I swear I won't do that to you and you don't have to start with trust just start with hello I'm Makenzie and I'll accept your help.

I sighed "hello I'm Makenzie and I'll accept your help"

What was I getting myself into?

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