2 // Fanks

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I left him kneeling on the ground, all my past infatuation and the small respect crumbling on the floor just like him. If someone were to overhear, it might seem like I had committed murder to the highest degree. It would've been my pleasure to, however, it would mean a fat blemish in my file.

Year Book was my next class with Phoebe, because there is only one year book class held. For certain I'll see her and when I do, I will rant to her about what just happened like the girl I am. She’ll just laugh in my face, which I hope she does.

Who the hell does this? I’m about this close to going back there and actually kill him, but I’m a moral person so I won’t. Karma can. Karma, please be a bitch, I’m begging you. In my time of need, do as I ask, to whoever I ask?  To anyone and everyone, please. No questions asked. Which you probably don’t need to ask since you know everyone and everything, you’re Karma. I may just be buttering up to a nonexistent concept, but woe is me.

“Uhh, are you okay?” Phoebe’s voice eased in carefully. I didn’t even notice through my prayers I sat at a table where she was. Her eyes were bug-eyed, not by my anger, but because of my right hand clamped around my scarlet bra. “Dude, put that away,” she whispered. ”I don’t know what the hell you’re doing, but I think you should be wearing that.”

She looked at me as if I was the biggest embarrassment, her eyes darting around the room to mock me. Her you’re-fucking-insane-but-I’m-just-teasing-you look made the corner of my mouth curl slightly. Yeah it was a sight with me clutching my bra to my chest, exposing everyone Wren’s Secret. Although she most likely really did want me to put it away.

Before I could make out a word, the bell rang and I shoved the bra in my bag.

“Welcome back, my little dippers, and for my newbie’s, you get the first year’s jolly ho’s!” I need what Mrs. Leonard is taking, so I could take it, possibly overdose. “Now, the hardships of last year have finally ended and it’s time to begin again!” There was silence and a cough.”Well , come on now, cheer!”

We did, halfheartedly, but we did.

“To start off, you all know your Senior Editor, right? Adrienne, darling, come stand up by the podium,” she cooed and a blonde headed towards the front of the classroom. Mrs. Leonard brushed a fake tear before speaking again. ”This is going to be Adrienne’s last year, before she’ll leave me forever and go to her fancy Ivy League college-”


“Sorry dear. Anyway, she’ll be leaving and like the years before, the Senior Editor will choose an apprentice from the Junior year. Adrienne?”

“As she said, I’m going to choose one of you lot to replace me like Lilly did last year, if you remember her. We’ll go through the three week training period, to show the ropes for some of you newbies and dits. All of us have to go through it, it’s required. After those three weeks, that’s when I choose.” She smiled and went back to desk, whispering to her friends.

Adrienne is Mrs. Leonard's daughter. No, she’s not the Senior Editor because her mom is in charge of Year Book. She knows the system inside-out, the template key’s have never looked better, and she single handedly designed the cover of last years yearbook in five minutes. It won a award. I’m serious. She’s fucking gorgeous and she knows it, owns it, but doesn’t abuse it, rarely. She did use it to land Dean Howe, fucking sex incarnate. I don’t know how she’s not as corrupted as she’s expected to be.

Most of the time, beauty corrupts completely- a form of power people are drawn to, something to worship, something to desire, no matter if and how forbidden.

Phoebe poked me on the side with her elbow, ” Who do you think she's going to choose?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, you maybe? There’s only five of us to choose from, and you’re the only one that’s been in a year book program since Junior High and has a fancy ass Canon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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