Iero Parents

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***Devon’s POV***
I walked into Hot Topic ready for the crowds of people to come filling in. I was ready to pick up all the T-shirts the stupid teenagers would leave behind. I sighed and hung around waiting for the people to come. Mariah walked over to me. I smiled at her company.

“I hate Sundays. They annoy me. It is like the worst day of the week, you know.” She sighed and looked for a response. I smiled and nodded. With hesitation, Mariah got up and left, turning her head checking on me every once and a while. It took thirty minutes for the people to start coming in the store. It was around 10AM. Who the crap would come to the mall at 10AM? I really couldn’t care. They were paying customers. I cleaned up after two fourteen year old girls who decided to throw shirts that they didn’t want on the ground. I leaned against the door and waited for a mess to form.

“Devon. Devon can you please come to back.” The manager’s rough voice screamed to the back. I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. The manager was sitting in his chair probably watching porn or something I wasn’t interested in.

“Do you think you can get My Chemical Romance to come here for a signing? I know you and Frank Iero are dating. It’s all over the internet. If you do this, I’ll let you work the cash register.” He seriously wanted My Chem here, but I mean, who wouldn’t.

“I’ll try my best sir. How about Friday night? It is probably the most exciting night for the workers.” I didn’t just do this for the promotion, but for the band. Frankie had been complaining about them not having any fans for weeks now. I tried to convince him other whys, but he refused to believe me. I went out to the office.

“Did he try and rape you?” Mariah ran up to me as soon as I came in view.

“No stupid. I would have killed him.” We giggled together.

“Then what happened in there?”

“He asked me to get My Chem to come here Friday.” Mariah nodded. I smiled at her and went back to work.
“You did what!?” Frankie asked/screamed at me. I sighed.

“Why is such a big deal? It will only be like an hour or two.” I argued.

“You ask Gerard.” He handed me a phone. I put in Gerard’s house phone. It rung a few times before someone picked up.

“Ello.” Gerard said.

“Gerard, it’s Devon.”

“Is Frankie ok?”

“Just peachy. Listen, my manager asked if you guys would like to do a signing at Hot Topic on Friday.”

“Sure. Sounds like fun.”

“Cool, be there by five. Thanks Gerard.” I hung up the phone and stared at Frank. He was gripping onto the wheel like it was a death grip.

“I told you.” I sat back feeling confident.

“Shut up. Let’s go to where I was bringing you now.”

“Sounds like fun.” I smiled at him. He relaxed a bit and smiled as well. I just wanted to make him happy with this whole signing thing. It seemed like something he would want to do. I just had to get into contact with Mikey (A/N- before you say WAT BOUT RAY? Read the whole chapter and this isn’t based on facts. I know Ray was in the band before Frankie so shut up.) and we would be good. We drove for a little longer until we ended up in front of a small diner. We headed out of the car.

“Look. Before you freak out, this is my family’s diner. This means my parents are probably in there.” He grabbed my hands. My mouth dropped. I started to breathe fastly and I was freaking out. I looked like shit considering I had just gotten out of work.

“Calm yourself. They will love you. I swear on everything I got.” He kissed my forehead and brought me inside. I was still freaking out, but I tried my best not to show it.

“Frank! I missed you.” A high pitched voice came from around a corner. I stepped out of the way as a short girly version of Frank came over and hugged him. He hugged her back.

“Mom! I can’t believe how long it has been. You know about that beautiful girl I kept telling you about? This is her. Devon Wheeler.” He pointed at me as the embrace was broken. She turned and smiled at me. I stuck out my hand, but got pulled into a hug.

“She is a keeper. I already like her. She makes you happy.” She kissed my cheek and led me to the counter. Frankie followed and sat down next to me. I smiled at him. I could feel the nervousness start to leave my body. Frank’s parents were as sweet as him. They brought out pancakes, muffins, bacon, eggs, and waffles. I didn’t think I could eat even half of that. Frank dug in. I ate slowly so I didn’t kill myself. In the end, together, we ate most of the eggs, all of the waffles and bacon, and some of the pancakes. This left the muffins untouched. I couldn’t think of eating anything else.

“You guys are monsters.” A deep voice said. I turned to see a large man patting Frankie on the back. I smiled at him assuming it was Frankie’s father.

“Hello Mr. Iero.” I smiled.

“The girl talks.” Frankie gasped. I giggled along with Mr. Iero.

“You must be Frankie’s girlfriend. A good looking one as well.” He put his hand on my head and shook it. I kept the smile facing towards him.

I could get used to hanging with Frankie’s family.

Savior:: Frank IeroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon