Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up in the morning I was back in my tent. I remembered falling asleep at the cliffside, curled away from Sensei as I kept him company, let him know someone was with him, but still gave him the privacy to show his grief. He must have carried me back.

I then realized that there was no clanging to wake us up. I peek outside and realize how early it is. If I wake the other's up, Sensei won't have an excuse to sound our 'wake up call'. We'll all be awake!

I lifted the flap of Shri's tent, entering slowly. I shake his shoulder slightly and lean back as I wait for him to fully wake. His bleary eyes focus on my face, and a lazy smile spreads across his.

"I could get used to waking up to such a pretty face," he commented with the slightest smirk.

"I, uh.. Timetowakeup!" I scurry out of the tent, low chuckles chasing me out. I growl slightly. I was so awkward around him. It was embarrassing. I just wasn't used to compliments, and... Flirting. Was he flirting with me? Did he like me?

I went over to Shun and Daisuke's tent when an evil idea crossed my mind. With a grin I create a string of low level explosive tags. They really didn't explode, just created a loud bang. I creeped into their tent, carefully tying each string to their leg. Backing up, I send a burst of chakra out, setting off a chain reaction of the bombs.

The boys jump up, quickly getting tangled in the tent as they struggle to get away from the explosions. I double over with laughter, a stitch forming in my side as I watch them slowly work their way free of the fabric.

I jump as I feel an arm wrap around my waist. "I never knew you had an evil side," Shri teases. I smile back.

"Not evil!" I protest, still laughing.

"You're right. Someone as beautiful as you could never be evil." Shun and Daisuke had finally managed to work themselves free, and they gave me a playful glare as they viewed me and Shri.

"You're going to get it," Daisuke threatened, taking a step towards us.

"Uh oh," I whisper, before turning around and sprinting away with Shri in tow. We're seperated, and Shun follows me, Daisuke following Shri. Shun, being the fastest of us all, quickly caught up with me and tackled me to the ground.

Pinning my arms to their sides, he begins to tickle me. Soon I'm gasping for air. "Stop!" I giggle hysterically, "Please, I'm--" I break off laughing, "I'm going to faint!" Finally he stops, and I roll over, trying to recover from my ordeal.

Shun helps me up, and we make our way back to camp, still laughing. When we arrive back at the clearing, Daisuke and Shri are back. Shri is soaking wet. "What happened?" I asked, eyes wide.

"He... tripped into a stream," Daisuke mutters. I blink, surprised, but shrug it off. Daisuke glanced up at me and began to laugh.

"What?" I ask. Shun takes a step back, appraising me with his eyes before laughing as well. "What...?" I ask again, a little quieter this time. Why were they laughing at me? Did I look terrible?

"Y-Your hair!" Daisuke laughs.

"And face!" Shun howls, clutching onto Daisuke for support. I take out a Kunai and glance at my reflection, then grimace. My hair was a tangled mess, proofing away from my head. There was twigs and leafs in it from when Shun tackled me to the ground. My face was flushed from the crisp morning air and laughing so hard. Overall, I was a mess.

And I saw how ridiculous I looked, but I couldn't laugh at myself. I just stood their, embarrassed, while they laughed at me. Shri comes out of the tent, glancing back and forth between us. "What are you laughing at?" He asked.

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