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Alexander Taylor wanders a forest following a trail of corruption. Everything in the forest seems to have been corrupted by something. Alexander heard someone laughing, it was ungodly to the point where a normal man would ran out of the forest quickly but since he was fourteen Alexander felt nothing.

Alexander grabbed his pocket knife that he always had in his back pocket and stabbed himself. Alexander felt his warm blood flowing down his pale scarred body and he calmed down. Alexander scanned the forest and he saw a page with the words no eyes written on it. Alexander smiled and threw his knife at the page,which bursted into flames the moment the knife touched it.

"Slendyman slendyyyy slenderman. I'm a gonna find you. Ol Alexander is coming." Alexander sang as the ashes hit the ground. " I will find you I will find you I will find you."

Alexander stumbled around the forest finding six more pages each saying a different thing. One by one the pages were destroyed by Alexander's knife. It was nighttime when Alexander saw the final page on the door of an old mansion in the forest.

"Hunters become the hunted. " Alexander sang.

As Alexander was in arms reach of the page Slenderman appeared in front of him.

"Oh no I have angered 'the father'." Alexander said.

"Enough of this!" Slenderman said "If you destroy me the corruption will spread and he will end everything. Are you not human?"

"Human?" Alexander asked "I am not familiar with the term human. I am me and nothing else."

"What are you?" Slenderman asked with fear in his voice.

"I am Scar." Alexander said as he destroyed the final page.

Slenderman began to lose his powers as he once again became mortal. Slenderman screeched at Scar and use his tentacles to try to attack him. The tentacles were nothing to Scar as he could no longer feel anything.

"Ring a round the rosies..." Scar sang as he stabbed Slenderman in the face with his knife "pockets full of posies...ashes ashes we all fall-" Scar kills Slenderman with his knife as Slenderman's screams fill the night "dead."

Slenderman fell to the ground dead. His body erupted into flames and turned to ashes as Scar still sang. As Slenderman was done burning Scar picked up some of his ashes and ate them.

"It was Joseph Walker who began the fight against all of you." said Scar "And it will be me who shall end this!"

As Scar headed into the mansion where themaskeddevil, the last of the remaining creepy pastas, was waiting. When Scar threw open the doors he saw Julian,Themaskeddevil, waiting for him. Even in the darkness Scar could see the fear and anger in Julians eyes.

" So it's come down to you and me now. Tell me kid, you've been tortured by the humans so why do you want to protect them?" Julian asked.

"Protect them?" Scar asked "HAHAHA! You compare me to that softie Nobody way to much! I don't protect the innocent like Nobody does, no. I carry out the punishment that neither God nor the Devil do. I am the personification of the abyss of Hell!"

Julian ran at Scar with his dual scythes ready. Julian was the one person that the great Nobody couldn't defeat however, Scar was not Joseph Walker. Scar grabbed the scythes by the blade and bit them off. Julian stared in horror as he saw his weapons being devoured by the demon in front of him. Scar then raised his pocket knife and stabbed Julian twenty times in the heart.

Before he died Julian asked the question "You're not human are you? "

" I am God." Scar replied.

The final sight Julian saw was the demon standing over him as he died. Julians eyes grew glassy until he had left the world of mortals. Scar smiled as he gazed upon the corpse of Julian, he had defeated the one person Nobody couldn't!

Nobody! Nobody! NOBODY!

"Nobody's here." a voice behind Scar said.

Though Scar knew that the words belonged to Joseph Walker, he knew that the being behind him was not Joseph. Scar smiled and sang about the black death. The voice he had heard belonged to Zalgo, Scar saw the corruption that Zalgo did to the forest.

"Do you think Joseph Walker can stop me?" Scar asked "If neither God, nor the Devil can stop me then what makes you think a mere human can put an end to me?"

"Because I am right here." said a strong voice.

Scar looked up to see a man in a black jacket and silver mask standing in front of him. Both Scar and Zalgo knew who this person was, it was Joseph Walker aka Nobody. Joseph was the one who had first burned down Slenderman's mansion and killed most of the creepy pastas, including Clockwork, Jeff, and the Rake. Scar smiled as he saw the 17 year old boy hold up his pistol.

" You scared nigger? " Scar asked, knowing full well what Joseph looked like.

" Nobody's here. " Joseph said and fired his pistol.

The bullet flew threw Scars eye, blood flowing the hole that Joseph had created. Scar laughed as the bullet also hit the monster behind him and he began to laugh even harder and harder.

"Why don't we focus on saving the world before we continue this?!" Scar said grabbing Zalgo and biting him.

Scar kept an iron grip on the demon and he sunk his teeth into Zalgo and felt delighted as Zalgos screams filled the night. Nobody walked towards the monster who had caused him so much pain with his hidden blade ready. Scar smiled as he saw through the mask where Josephs anger rested.

" No not  like this!" Zalgo pleaded.

"You have caused me great pain." Nobody said with his voice completely void of any emotion, he then proceeded to take off his mask where Zalgo saw the flames of Hell abyss burning within them "Do you have any idea what that felt like!"

Joseph sank the hidden blade into the seventh mouth of Zalgo and sliced it open! Zalgo screamed. Scar once bit into the demon to silence him.

" Who are you!?!" Zalgo asked.

" My name is Joseph Walker and I am here to the Devils work." Joseph replied and then thrusted his right hand into the deep gash he had created "TELL ME! YOU HAVE SLAIN MANY PEOPLE YET YOU YOURSELF ARE AFRAID OF DYING! WHY IS THAT? I TJOUGHT YOU COULD END THE WORMS JUST BE SPEAKING AND YET YOURE AFRAID OF ME!" Joseph than pulled the dying demon close to him and whispered "Prepare to feel God's wrath, the revenge of all those you have wronged."

Joseph threw Zalgo into the mansions floor he fired his chain knife at him and watched as the demon turned to ash. Joseph turned to Scar and lowered his weapons. For the first time Scar looked confused.

"I'm not going to kill you kid, I'm done living a life of murder. Nobody's gone." Joseph said.

" What do you mean?" Scar said, unable to understand.

" I only killed to protect the weak from those monsters, you killed those who have tortured you. I have no reason to kill an angel who had flown down from the heavens."

" Protect the weak huh? Im,afraid the scar you have given my eye is fatel, I can feel death approaching. I am not afraid, I have taken many lived and all I want is to rest for all eternity."

As the morning of the dawn broke through the gloom the first sight the light saw was the two murderers dead on the floor of the mansion. Joseph Walker and Alexander Taylor had committed many crimes and thus should have been hello bound, but redemption was a strange thing. They once again killed but in killing all of the creepy pastas they have earned God's mercy and we're spared from the pit of Hell. That night there were two shooting stars in the sky as two souls were in the land of God now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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