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She walked down the stage towards the mic stand placed right in the middle,the spot light following right on top of her.

"Uhmm..." She taps the mic twice and everyone in the room cringes at the sound that it makes and she smiles awkwardly.

"So... Hello? I'm the author of this piece of shit as you all might know."

The audience boo

"So this fanfic has come to an end. Every unexpected one,may I add. A fanfic this fluffy and full of crack is usually supposed to end with a happy ending and that was just the ending that I was thinking off when I started this fanfic."

The crowd fall in silence.

"I got this idea from one of my favorite accounts in here it being HyungWonho ,thanks for it m8. Moving on, I really liked the idea so I started writing it but didn't really knew how to continue or end it but just spurted out random shit from my brain and you seemed to like it and that's why I didn't delete this even tho I was going to do it many times.
The original ending was supposed to be that they get married and live happily ever after but one day in school I got this idea and,I'm not gonna lie,I'm pretty proud of myself."

Suddenly shoes,fruits and vegetables and random objects are thrown at her but she manages to hide behind the stand.

"Any way,does anyone have any questions?"


"Exactly what you just said,it's absolute shit."

"Will there be a sequel?"

She smirks. "Maybe."

The crowd erupt in cheers.

"But don't get too happy. It might be worse than the last chapter."

This time even some chairs are thrown.

"So if there's nothing more,I'll see myself out. Bye. Thank you for reading and please keep in touch for possible future work and thank you for your support. I love you all." She drops the mic down on the ground,the crowd close their ears and she salutes them and walks out.

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