Chapter 17

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[Elly’s POV]

My eyes started to water when he started his speech and me being me didn’t know he was proposing until I saw him kneel with the gorgeous ring. Oh cheese biscuits! He’s really proposing to me!!! IM GOING TO GET MARRIED!!!! Oh wait I looked at Dill’s very nervous face and remembered I haven’t said anything yet.  A huge smile broke out on my face.

“YES! YES!! A MILLION TIMES YES!!!!” I told him while tears of joy streamed down my checks. He stood up and kissed me. He grabbed my left hand and slipped on the ring on my finger and kissed me again with such love and passion.  He picked me up and spun me around in circles. I laughed against his lips. He put me down and looked me with so much happiness and love.

“Let’s go tell everyone.” He said.

“Wait they knew?” I asked.

“Yes. Once I told your brother, he told every wolf and told them that the answer will be announced at the party.”

“Do my parents know?”

“Yes, I called them this morning. You should call them.” He told me and kissed me quickly. I pulled out my phone and dialed my mother phone number. The phone rang for about two seconds before it was answered.

“Hello.” said my mother trying to hide her curiosity and excitement.

“MOM IM GOING TO GET MARRIED!!!!” I yelled at the phone happily. My mom yelled and screamed in joy. I could just imagine her jumping up and down with the phone in her hand and my dad looking at her like some mad woman. I heard my dad say a faint Congratulations, but it was barely heard by my mother’s happy shouts.

“MY BABY IS ENGAGED!! It’s Dill you’re marrying right?” she said the last part seriously. I laughed at her and replied.


“I’m sorry we weren’t there. For your graduation and everything.”

“It’s okay. At least Dill and Mi….” I stopped before I said Michael because it’s supposed to be a surprise for when they get home.

“At least Dill and Martha were there. You know how she’s always there when you’re out on your business trips and stuff.”

“That’s good sweat heart. I’ll let you know because you have a party to get to.”

“Thanks mom. I love you guys.”

“Love you too. Don’t get married without us.”

“We won’t.” I said with a small laugh and she hung up.

“Well we have a party to go to. There are a lot of eager people are waiting and when I say people I mean your brother mostly.” Dill said while dragging me towards his car. We drove home holding hands with huge smiles on our faces.

“Let’s make them believe I said no. I want to see their faces. Then we’ll tell them the truth.” I told Dill laughing.

“That sounds awesome. I can’t wait to see your brothers face.” He said.  

By the time we got home it was dark and the party was in full swing. We got out of the car and headed towards the ballroom where all of our parties are held.  We walked into the room, everybody stopped what they were doing and the music was paused. Dill put his face in his hands and yelled: “SHE SAID NO.” he said seriously. All of their faces dropped. My brother was my favorite. He was all excited and he face dropped completely.


“SHE SAID YES!!!!!” Dill yelled. Everybody cheered and recovered from our lie. Hope ran towards me and tackled me into a hug.

“You scared me, don’t ever do that again.”

“I just couldn’t help it.” I told her while laughing.

“Well congrats my beautiful people.” Hope said to me and Dill.

Dill pulled me to his side and kissed my head softly. I looked up at him and kissed him passionately. Everyone cheered. I broke the kiss and giggled.


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