Epilogue: What happened after?

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Just for you Onyxxx__


She felt strange. Her chest seemed heavy and her heart was completely numb. While Mary had never exactly been emotional, or really felt much of anything, not feeling a single thing was unsettling. She hadn't understood and was completely confused, which she did not like at all.

She stumbled to her feet. It took her only seconds to realise she was yet again in a new body. For around a day after newly inhabiting a body it took a little while to get full control of all the limbs and such, leaving her slightly uncoordinated. That was how she knew she was no longer in the 's body. Instead she was in a completely new body that was unlike anything she'd ever felt.

Before she could properly examine herself voices echoed around her. It was then that she became aware that around her, on very high pedestals were cloaked figures with gleaming silver eyes.

"Reaper Grim, you have been charged with a most grievous crime, letting a soul that was intended to die live. Normally a harsh punishment would be in order, yet you did restart the natural order. It is here by decreed by this council that you will be lowered from your status of a level ten reaper, back down to level one. You will not be forced to serve as a demon reaper."

The voices echoed around her, in perfect synchronisation with each other. They were devoid of any emotion, and short and choppy. It was a little hard to absorb what they were saying but when she realised; she knew whose body she was in.

Mary let out a shriek and clawed at her neck, gripping the black locks. She looked at her pale hands. She grabbed the heavy fabric around her, and let out a moan of despair over the black cloak. She was in Anya Royce's body!

How had that even happened? How was it possible? How the hell did she get out of this?

She turned back to the figures to high above her head. "Send me back down," she ordered, practically seething with rage. There was a silence that seemed to echo around before they spoke again.

"You dare to order us?" The voices asked.

"Of course," Mary hissed. "I am not Grim. That little bitch switched our souls. I am Mary, I am a soulshifter. I do not belong here!"

"You dare to mention how greatest enemies," the voice roared so loud Mary's knees buckled. "You dare to try to lie to us, even after we show you mercy."

Mary gritted her death and shouted, "I am not Anya Royce. I do not belong here. I am a queen, not a reaper!"

"You have showed disrespect when we offer a kindness to you. Reaper Grim, you are hereby sentenced to spend the rest of your days as a demon reaper. You shall stay in the depths of hell for all eternity."

"No! Don't you understand-"

Before she could finish the ground beneath her feet began to tremble. She scrambled to move away from the spot, but it seemed the entire floor in the chamber was trembling and breaking apart. Her leg fell through her floor and she screamed in surprise as heat gushed up at her. The cloak around her shoulders dissolved around her in dust. Her other foot fell through and she scrambled to grab anything. Her body began to slowly slide down below in the near unbearable heat. She glanced upwards and the last thing she saw before she fell was the silver eyes gleaming at her.

Mary pulled herself away from the memory, gripping her scythe tight enough that her knuckles were bone white. It had been so very long since that incident and yet she knew it would always remain clear in her mind.

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