Chapter 8 - Barnets 'Bird'

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A tall dark haired man answered.

"Hi, hiya, uh" I stuttered just looking at him.

"G'day? What can I do for you miss?" He said in his strong Australian accent, raising his eyebrows.

"Is Barnet here?" I looked down at my feet and then up at the man again

"Ah so you're Barnets bird" he chuckled before standing out the way, I blushed violently as he ushering me inside the hut. " I wouldn't go that far" I scoffed as I followed him.

I followed him past the bed I woke up on yesterday afternoon after fainting and where I first met Barnet, up some steps into the main lookout area of the hut. But Barnet was no where to be seen. Just the man who greeted me and 'The Box' I knew him as, he was a surf legend! 

"Oh my!" I said startled as I saw him, "You're the box right?" I said beaming at him, he laughed and turned around to look at me.

"I am, but just call me Kerrbox"

"You're a surfing legend, watching you made me realise how much I wanted to surf!" he put his hand out and I responded with a simple hand shake, I was totally fangirling. Hard.

"Well I'm glad you felt that way, you surf now right?" he beamed, I nodded violently. "I'm not that great though" I turned to the other guard.

"I'm Danny" the lifeguard who greeted me piped up shoving an apple in his mouth.

"Barnet's said a lot about you today" Danny smirked, my smile disappeared. 

"What about?" Why couldn't men just NOT speak to their 'bros', but then again it would be like me not speaking to Iggy. But no need to be SO blatant about it?

"Just about how last night didn't really go to plan, he didn't say any thing specific happened so don't worry, I saw the worry in your eyes the moment I mentioned he'd spoken about last night, no stress girl" he smiled. "Anyway, I imagine that's the reason you're here right now. Am I right?".

I blushed and nodded looking down at my feet, "Yeah I kinda messed up" Danny jumped down off the counter he'd been sitting on and picked up the binoculars,

"Well Barnet's down North Bondi, you might struggle to get a conversation in with him because it's busy down there, he'll be back up here an hour if you wanna wait?" I sighed.

"I can't, If I wait any longer the anticipation will literally kill me"

"Well don't fret about it too much doll, he likes you" Danny said with a smirk. My head shot up to look at Danny and a smile spread across my face

"He likes me? Did he tell you this too?" Deano just nodded and laughed.

"I'll see you guys later then" I said, trying to hide my smile as I hurried out the door and down the steps towards North Bondi, I just have to speak to Barnet now, especially after hearing that.

As I made my way down towards North Bondi I took in the sun, the sea spray hit me with the breeze, I spotted the quad as I came up to North Bondi and in it sat two men both deep in conversation looking out to sea. I slowed down, what was I going to say to him? I'd probably stutter about 6 times and faint again trying to talk to him now, but I had to. I was so close to the quad now that they'd both clocked that I was coming their way.

Barnet suddenly pulled himself out of the quad, but not towards me, grabbed a rescue board and darted off into the water. I followed him with my gaze as he paddled out to a man waving frantically, I watched as he pulled the man onto his board and paddled him back to safety.

I let out a sigh of relief as the man thanked Barnet and Barnet then returned to the quad chatting to the other lifeguard. His skin shimmered in the sunlight from the sea water, he shook the water off himself and ran his hand through his wet hair smiling. As I neared I could hear their conversation.

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