Part 26

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I'm in my last month of pregnancy and now Ryan has become more protective then ever. Every time I wince from one kick, he feels it through the mate bond, then is instantly where I am. And it makes me wonder if it is affecting his duties but I don't ask. Ashley is always asking me if I need something every five minutes. It's nice of her and all is starting to really annoy me. The rouge attacks seem to be less recent which I am hoping is a good thing and that nothing bad is going to happen. But I can feel something very bad is coming very soon.

"A war..." I said thinking out loud.

"Did you say something?" Ryan asked me as he looked up from some of his paper work with a furrowed brow.

"Nothing important." I lied as I forced reassurance into my voice.

He had an emotionless look on his face but there was a flash of worry in his eyes. Just then his eyes had fogged over as one of the pack members linked him. A few short moments latter a deep growl that could make any man scared down to is very core erupted from him.

"Stay here." He said as he got up and left his office with a hurried pace and then shut the door behind him.

I could smell a scent in the pack house that I haven't smelt before but yet it had a little bit of a familiarity to it. And despite Ryan's words I got up and crept out of the office, my curiosity getting the best of me. I snuck over to a pillar by the stairs the gave me a clear view of what was going on. There was a man. Maybe three years older than Ryan who had similar features as him.

"What are you doing here Dylan?" Ryan asked with venom in his voice.

"Is that any way to welcome you're big brother?" Dylan said. I clasped both hands over my mouth to stop my gasp from being heard.

Right then I guess that Sky and Crystal thought it was a good idea to give me a kick in the stomach. Literally inside. I winced then looked down at Ryan as I saw his foot pivot towards the stairs but he didn't move.

"I banished you from the royal pack. You are not suppose to be here." Ryan growled.

"Well I have some important news I thought I should share with you." Dylan said with a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

Another kick from the twins causing me to let out a small whimpering sound. Ryan spun on his heels and made his way up the stairs quickly then rounded the corner where he paused and looked at me with worry on his face. He walked over to me and gave me a hug with a kiss on the forehead.

"Come with me. I think they miss their daddy." He said with a smile as he took my hand and lead me down the stairs carefully.

"Oh. Who is this Ryan? By any chance is this you're mate?" Dylan asked with a discussed look on his face as he took a one over of me.

"By the moon goddess I am not a this, I am a her! I have a name to!" I shouted at him and gave him a good slap across the face sending him to the floor faster than you could even blink you're eyes shut.

"Well brother. You're mate has one hell of a slap." Dylan said as he got up and rubbed his cheek.

"Her punches are even worse." Ryan said with humor and amusement lacing his voice. 

"Would you like to find out?" I threatened him.

"Is that a way for a queen to act?" Dylan laughed.

"I'm not queen yet." I simply said.

"Well that is to bad. Here I thought I could steal you away from my brother to see if you couldn't resist my charm." He smiled.

I let out a snort like laughed as I tried to not fall face first into the wooden floor. Ryan looked at me with proudness in his eye. A clear sign he adored me. I gave him a small sheepish smile.

"You always had an odd way of showing you're humor brother." Ryan said.

"Would you like to hear the important news or not?" Dylan said. And it was clear he was losing interest in our word play as his voice grew serious.

"Yes." I said before Ryan could protest.

"Only under one condition..." he said.

"And that is?" I asked, dragging out my 's' in is.

"Let me rejoin the pack." He said. But this time his voice was more of a plea rather than an ordering question.

"No. And don't think you're fake pleading tone will convince me." Ryan responded immediately.

"Ryan..." I whispered to him tugging on his arm sleeve.

"What? He asked as he brought his face down to my level.

"I think you should let him back in. I don't know how but...I can tell his plea isn't fake. I can see his ora to, it is sincere. He really does have his best interest in protecting the pack, the royal family, and you. A brother I can see who truly does love you." I whispered to him softly.

Ryan straightened his back up to his right position and looked at Dylan for a few minutes studying him.

"Fine. But only because my mate says she trusts you." Ryan said taking my hand in his much larger one and gave it a squeeze.

Dylan looked over at me with surprise in his eyes but also a thankful look in his eyes as well.

"Thank you." Dylan said bowing his head deeply and then looking at Ryan with a very serious face.

"Now the news." Ryan ordered.

"Okay. So here is the news." Dylan said standing up straight.

"It's the rouge Queen...she is plotting a war against the Kingdom and all of the packs under your rule." He said.

"So basically all packs around the world that aren't rouge packs?" I asked.

"Well not all rouge packs. There are two rouge packs only a few hours away from here that are made up of ex-pack members who's packs were destroyed by rouges. I have allowed them to be part of the kingdom but they are still considered a rouge pack because of how small of a settlement they are. They will only become fully part of the kingdom when they have a decent amount of ex-pack members who became rouges after their pack was killed." Ryan explained. It made me smile because he was giving rouges a chance even though they were forced into the rouge title by other rouges.

"I would like to meet these two rouge packs." I said to Ryan and a smile appeared on his face.

"Of course you can." Ryan said.

As Ryan, Dylan, and Ryan's beta, delta, and all the rest of the big titled pack members went into the his office, I went into the kitchen to get myself something to eat with the rest of my family.

The Secret Luna: Book 1 of The Gifted Daughters Of The Moon Goddess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now