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This chapter is dedicated to lexi_augustave for all your comments and votes on His Secret!!

"What have we got?"

"Female, age 12. Found in the woods after going missing from a party. Severe trauma to the head, deep tissue lacerations to her back, right arm and face. Also suffering from possible hypothermia."

I welcomed the thrill of noises and voices. The deep darkness that had surrounded me some moments ago seemed to have eaten all noise and life. I knew not to be afraid of the dark; mum had told I was too old for such silly things, but the monster....

"What happened?" The handsome man doctor looked down at me as we moved at a fast pace down an endless corridor. Again and again he continued to shine a small yet blinding light in my eyes. "Animal attack and police suspect a wolf."

"A wolf in these parts? No way."

My body felt heavy and strange, like it wasn't my own. There was no more pain, just as the lady had promised and I knew it was from the medicine she had injected me with. I had been brave with the needle and hadn't cried because I knew now there were worst things to be scared of.

I had to tell mum. Where is she? My eyes scanned over each face I could see but none of them were right, and I hated how stern they all looked. Could no one smile?

Soon all of the sounds, colours and even the bright lights that stung my eyes began to blur together but I wasn't afraid.

It all meant I wasn't alone anymore.

"ABIGAIL. ABIGAIL, MUM IS HERE!!" My heart leapt at the sound of my mum's voice. If she was here it meant everything was going to be ok. I wanted my mum and I wanted her now.

"Mrs Fisher, you are causing her distress. Please step back."

Suddenly we stopped in a room and I cried as my hand wouldn't listen to me as I told it to reach out and find mum.

"Abigail mummy is here. Everything is going to be alright." There was so much noise, so many voices and I couldn't speak or move, only lie there as  people poked and prodded me. I hated them, I hated them all.

Mr handsome doctor looked over at me again, "It's time to go to sleep Abigail. I'm going to make you all better."

No, didn't he understand that I couldn't go to sleep because the darkness would be there and so would the monster. Soft, warmth encased my hand, "Sweetie its ok I'm here. The doctors are going to fix you." Mums voice was soft and gentle but fear gripped me and suddenly I wanted stuffed Mr Puppy that stupid Paul had laughed at me for having. Mr Puppy knew all my secrets and stroking his fur made things so much better.

There was no pain, I could go home and I certainly wasn't sleepy... but thick darkness began to creep over me. I couldn't move, my tongue felt thick and tasted horrible. I sought out mums face one more time but there were still so many people and I just couldn't move. "Mu..." It was all I could manage before mums voice began to fade away and then suddenly I couldn't even scream as once again the darkness had found me.

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