34|Love Me

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Phil -22  Dan -18

It was like hell. Waiting for this moment. The moment they were finally together. Though, they truly weren't yet. Just their lips connected.

It reminded Dan of the first time.

When they went home that night it was lonely. Without each other they were nothing.
Had it been that way since they were children? Was the love stronger then, or now? How did they ever survive separated?

And when the morning came, so did a call from Phil. Dan groaned, and picked it up mumbling a gravely hello into the phone.

"It's been done," Phil said.

Dan was confused for a second before he remembered, "Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"No, I just want you," Phil said quietly.

"Are you sure? Break ups are hard to deal with, and you seemed to really like Jake."

"I'm sure. Are your parents home?"

"It's Saturday morning, they're at work."

Phil took in a breath, "I'm coming to see you."

Before Dan could answer, Phil hung up the phone. He stared at it for a moment before he shot up. Phil only lived fifteen minutes away. He needed to get ready fast.

He ran into his bathroom running the water. He took probably the fastest shower he could that would do the trick. He rushed to find some clothes to wear. No, no, no, no. Ah, this one. He threw on a shirt, and some black jeans.

"Oh god, five minutes left," he mumbled to himself. It was either straightening his hair, or cleaning his room.

That's when the doorbell rang. Well, it looks like neither are getting done.

He ran down the stairs, and threw open the door. There stood Phil in all of his beauty. He gave him a small smile.

"Nice hair," he said smiling.

"You're early," Dan whined with narrowed eyes.

"I wanted to see you," he says walking in, and grabbing Dan's hips. He kisses him gently, and smiles up at him. He used to look down at him, but Dan had finally outgrew him.

Dan's heart is beating faster than a bullet train as he meets his bright eyes.

"You look so good with it natural, babe," Phil whispers as he traces his lips down Dan's neck making him shiver.

"Thank you," Dan says quietly.

Phil chuckled, "You smell good too. Did you shower just for me?" He snakes his hands up Dan's shirt caressing his sides.

Dan blushes, "Uh, yeah."

"You're so pretty," Phil purrs kissing Dan, and then biting down on his neck.

Dan moans quietly feeling slightly confused as to why Phil was acting this way. He makes eye contact with Mrs. Reveren across the street who was in the middle of watering her petunias, but now she was staring at them with her eyes wide open, and mouth agape. Dan's eyes widen too as he quickly moves away from Phil to close the door.

"What was that for?" Phil asks.

"Mrs. Reveren saw," Dan explained.

Phil laughed, "Aw, you should've let her watch."

And then Phil's got him pressed up against the front door, and his mouth is working on his neck as his hands roam his body, but Dan finds it hard to focus on the pleasure when his brain can't stop wondering why this was happening.

"Phil, stop," Dan mumbles as Phil sucks on his collar bone.

Phil doesn't.

"Philll, stop," Dan says again pushing against his shoulders this time, "Please."

Phil pulls away, "What's wrong?"

Dan stared into his eyes, "I-I don't know."

"Are you okay?" Phil asks with concern, and Dan's face in his hands.

"Yeah, it's just..." Dan starts, "It's just that you just got out of a break up."

"I'm over it, Danny."

Dan's eyes harden, "Don't lie to me, Phil."

Phil sighs, and removes his hands from Dan's face, "I'm fine, really. It was for the best."

"Do you really think that?" Dan asks.

"Of course, I did it to be with you."

"But you're not okay, are you?" Dan presses.

Phil shakes his head, "It doesn't matter."

Dan kisses Phil softly, tracing his thumb across his cheek.

"How you feel matters to me," Dan whispers.

"I love you," Phil says.

"Than why do you lie to me?" Dan asks.

"Because I know you care about me, and I don't want to worry you."

"You know what worries me?"


"When you kiss me, and I don't feel that spark."

Phil's head tilts to the side, "What do you mean?"

"When you kiss me, something ignites within me. When I don't feel that I know that somethings wrong," Dan says.

Phil sighs, "I'm sorry, Dan."

"Kiss me again, and you'll be forgiven."

Phil presses their lips together, and a fire seems to burn inside of him. The flames licking at his lips, and warming him from the inside out. He feels Dan smile into the kiss.

"Did you feel that?" he whispers.

Phil smiles at him, "Yeah," he kisses him again, "Yeah, I felt that."

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