You Never Know... (Embry Call Imprint)

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Twilight characters! All credit goes to the amazing Stephanie Meyer besides my characters.

Alex's P.O.V

Ugggghhhh! He can go die in a hole for I care!

I thought angrily as I slammed the door shut to my room as hard as I could. I walked to my desk were I had my boombox. Yes a boombox, like they used in the olden days. I turned it on to a powerful song. I walked to the middle of my room. I took a deep breathe and started dancing. Dancing to me was like breathing. It was second nature to me. It was something I needed to do... I loved it.

You know how when girls are fustrated or mad they cry there eyes out? Well not me. When I dance I show my emotions. If I'm upset and don't want to let anybody see me like that, I dance. If a person really pisses me off, I'll beat the living daylights out of them.... As you can see I don't have the best temper.

As I started moving my body to the beat my mind wondered to what happened at school.


I just drove into the school parking lot when I spotted Jake. I walked up to him and hugged him sideways. I looked up to see those amazing eyes of his that were always filled with happiness, but that wasn't what I saw. I saw hatred. I flinched. I took a step back and that's when I really saw Jake. He cut his hair cropped. He looked even bigger and muscular then usual. He even had a tatoo!

"What the hell were you thinking Jake?!" I walked out of his embrace and was about to take a closer look at his tatoo but he grabbed my shoulder and softly but harshly pushed me back a bit.

"We need to talk." He said his voice filled with hatred, but I heard a little bit of sadness in it to.

"No shit Sherlocks!" I said sarcasticly. Right after I said that Jared and Embry walked up to us.

"Hey Ja-" They cut themselves off when they saw me. All I did was glare at them. They had abonded me at the time I needed them the most. I didn't  dare look into his eyes for I knew I'd loose myself in them. I snuck a glance at Embry. He was frowning. They were looking at me and Jake.

"Since when do you talk to them?" I asked Jake. From the corner of my eye I saw Jared smirk.

"Since he joined the 'gang'. " Jared said making air quotations with his fingers when he said 'gang'.

"You joined them?! Are you stupid?!" I said. I was about to blow.

"Alex calm dow-" I cut him off angrily.

"How do excpect me to calm down when your joining these crackheads!" I said pointing to Jared and Embry. He started shaking lightly.

"Don't call them that." He said. You could tell he was mad.

"Why?! You promised you wouldn't!" I said. I was about to lose it.

"Alex I never wanted to be friends with you. Your just a dirty little slut!" He said angrily.

" Yeah because Bella isn't one..." I muttered sarcasticly, rolling my eyes.

"Don't talk about her like that! You're not that different! Your just a naive little girl you skank!"

That shut me up. But that didn't stop me from doing what a I did next. I raised my hand and I slapped him as hard as I could. I could hear the students around us that had come closer to over hear why we were fighting. We never fight, at least not until now. I walked back to my car, but not before sending a discusted glare to Jake and flipping him off. I drove out of the school not caring that teachers were watching. I rushed home as my mind was filled with dangerous thoughts. I quickly parked and left my stuff in the car. I stepped into my house and faintly heard Sam start complaining.

Cry Me A F*cking River, B!tch (Embry Call Imprint) {Editing}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon