Fucking Therepists....

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I running in the woods. Far enough in that nobody had a chance of seeing me, but I could still see the road. Then I saw a bright light. I slowed to a light jog. I saw an angry Jake come out of the leech lovers shitty truck. He ran into the woods looking hella pissed. Angry thoughts flew into my head.

Who does that leech think he is?!

Jake! Calm down!

What are you doing here?! Go away!

Come on Jake. Everybody's worried.

Let them be! How stupid is she?!

We all know the lee- Bella is stupid. We just can't belivie it took you this long to notice.

Your not helping.

Look just check up on her. Make sure she's o.k then come back.

He was already running towards - I'm assuming- Bella's house.

Hey wait! I don't know were her house is!

You don't need to know. Just go back home and go do what ever it is girls like you do.

Ah. Hell. No.

Calm down. Just follow m-

His words were cut off by silence. Damn it! He phased. I knew he was going to say 'follow my scent', but his scent was already gone. It was raining. Wow. This sucks ass... Oh well. I started running with my nose practicly dragging on the floor. Finally after a minute or so I smelt his scent. It was faint, but if I hurried the scent would stay long enough for me to get to were he is. I finally stopped in front of a house that reeked of the smell of leech. Ewwww...... Well might as well get this over with. I phased and put on my clothes quickly. Not knowing what to expect. I stepped in soaking wet. The phycic and Jake were in each others faces. I was about to go in between them when I heard a quite voice say.

"You guys aren't helping anybody so stop." I saw Bella run down the stairs, tripping every 3 steps with a worn out bag in her left hand.

"You aren't really going are you?" Jake said pleadingly. I walked up to Jake and put my hand on his arm. Trying to comfort him.

"You already know the answer Jake." I told him. I really just wanted to leave. First of all because I wanted to kill both girls standing in front of me. Second because of the smell....ewww. Jake started shaking.

"Hope those bloodsuckers enjoy their meal." He ran out of the house. Phasing as soon as he got into the woods. I looked at Bella with a sympathetic smile.

"He'll be okay." Alice raised her eyebrow disbelievingly. "Just not today." I added.

"Now go and do what ever it is you were going to do. I'm guessing you guys are moving back in right." Alice was already inside her car waiting for Bella to get in.

"Yup. Everything is going back to the way it used to be." Just before Bella got in and shut the door. Speeding hurriedly to save their brother and boyfriend, Alice muttered "Hopefully."

With that I ran into the woods stripping in the process. I tied my clothes to my leg and phased. I was immidietly -again- introduced by angry thoughts by the one and only. Jacob Black.

Shocker I told my self

Go away!

Are you okay?

Just leave me alone!



I paused. I knew what it felt like to just want to be left alone.

Fine. Just.... don't take to long.

With that I ran to Sam's house trying not to think about anything. I didn't want to upset Jake anymore than he already was. I stopped once a I saw Emily's house. I phased and quickly put on my clothes. The moment I walked in I was takled by Paul. I saw Embry get up. Just like evryone else.

"Oww." I said as rubbed my arm. It broke my fall. "You moron. You made me hurt myself!"

"Are you okay?"

"Where's Jake?"

"Are they really back?"

"What happened?"

"Is that a duck outside?"

I was beeing bombarded with questions. They were throwing them at me so fast that all I heard was the word 'duck'.


They all froze. Surprised by my outburst. I took a deep breathe and ran my fingers through my hair. Very  aware of Embry watching me intently. I saw his hand twitch towards me. Almost as if he wanted to be by me..... Nah. It's just my mind playing tricks on me.... right? I took another deep breathe.

"Jake's fine, he just needs some alone time. As for the Cullens'... yes they are back. And as for Bella..." I paused thinking about the possibilty of them actually losing their shit from what Bella was going to do. Oh. What the hell.

"Bella's going to go try and save Edward from doing something stupid that could get his suicidal ass killed. The thing is that there's a good chance both of them -along with the phycic- could die. Well... get killed by the 'rulers of the leeches'. Vul- Voot- Vulture- no that's not there name.... it's the V-V..... hmmmmm......" They were all giving blank looks at me. I think they were trying to decide if I was lying or not.

"Ohhh! That's right! It's Volturi! There's a good chance the Volturi is going to kill them." I remember Jacob thinking about this as he was running away. I saw that they were already getting up.

"Don't." I simply said. They all looked at me, astonished at the words I just spoke. Sam was about to say something but I cut him off.

"He just needs some alone time." With a deep breathe Sam gave the guys a look and they sat back down. Everyone except Embry that is. I raised my eyebrow at him questioningly. He took a deep breathe like he was trying to calm himself.

"Can I talk to you." His chin jerked into the direction of the woods. Indicating that whatever he wanted to talk about, he didn't want to go public. I walked out with him. Trying to ignore the nervous glances he sends my way every ones in a while.... It was kind of cute the way his face scrunched up in nervousness. I allowed myself to crack a smile in his direction. With the way his eyes lightened up by this small gesture, with the smile he returned I knew that I was already giving in to the power of the imprint... I was falling for him. And that thought made me want to scream in frustration. Why was I so weak?


What do you guys think? What will Embry want to talk about?




Help the Elderly!.... No seriously. Your gonna want help too once your older! Do it!


Cry Me A F*cking River, B!tch (Embry Call Imprint) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now