Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I woke up to the greatest feeling in the world.

Which was fucking weird considering I had enough to drink last night to at least give me a headache and make me nauseous, but I somehow felt refreshed, fantastic. It'd been way too long since I woke up feeling this good and what made it a hundred times better was the heavy muscular body draped over me in sleep.

My eyes flickered open, thankful that I remembered to close the black out curtains to keep out that damned artificial sunlight that burnt like a mofo. I tilted my head, rolling over onto my back in the arms of the man I'd taken home last night. He was fast asleep and slept very quietly. For a second, I didn't think he was even breathing until I held my finger under his nose and felt the hot air tickle my skin. A small smile curved my lips as I watched him sleep. He still had the cuffs connected to one of his wrists, but he didn't seem to care and slept on. A nice dark hickey was forming on his neck, along with a few others dotted around his scarred nipple and leaving a nice trail down to where the blankets hid the rest of him.

He had behaved so well last night, I noted as I watched him sleep, turning over completely to face him, tucking an arm under my head.

He took everything I did to him and I even took a few risks that would probably make the rest of the community want to burn me at the stake, but I did it and he liked it. He was like an oversized kitten. He'd purred and growled with each bite, each suckle, and each lick. I didn't get him to scream, much to my disappointment, but he made up for it with those precious moans of his. He definitely wasn't the girly kind of sub that I found myself taking in from time to time, no.

He was incredibly masculine.

I could still feel him quivering beneath me like Jell-O. At first, I didn't think he'd let me actually take him from the way he kept closing his legs on me, but eventually he let me in and he definitely liked that, judging from all the writhing and squirming he did. A grin crept onto my face at that as I cocked my head, watching the way he slept so peacefully. Even while he slept, he managed to remain stoic. I think that's what made me love him even more. He kept me guessing, provided a challenge.

It'd been a long time since I met someone like that.

I reached up to stroke his broad chest, fingers creeping down to his nipple. Part of me wanted to twist it again, make it all pink and hard, but he was bound to wake up with an awful hangover and the last thing someone wanted to wake up to was a purple nurple, so instead, I slowly rolled out of bed, pausing to frown as my hair fell over my shoulder in a tangled mess. There was a bit of pain near my left temple and I remembered the way he'd made the mistake of grabbing it after I had unbuckled his cuffs.

Note to self: No hair pulling, baby.

Instead of getting up to do a daily beauty routine, I grabbed a black scrunchie with bats designed on it, using it to pull my hair up into a sloppy bun, my bangs still falling across my face, but I just clipped them off to the side with a bat hairclip before I climbed out of bed, pausing to look down at myself.

I honestly didn't remember getting completely naked.

I shrugged it off and grabbed a pair of black plaid pajamas and a gray long sleeved shirt with little black cats all over it. I crept down stairs to let Hannibal sleep longer. I went to the kitchen and prepared a pot of chicory coffee, a smile playing across my face the entire time.

Something about this felt so nice. I felt great in the morning after a night of wild sex and drinking. Not even my headache could bring me down. I popped a couple of pain killers and went to sit in front of the television mounted over my electronic fireplace. I snapped the television on, but muted it and put on subtitles. The first channel, a channel not available to humans, was the Demonic Fashion channel. It was like those lame jewelry channels where they just show cased the latest styles and only a couple of actual television shows and one news report every hour between commercials. It was pretty new, but I liked it. They had really nice shoes.

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