The Creature

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I woke up in a white room. It was empty except for a simple bed which I was lying on. Everything was perfectly silent, it was almost eerie I felt my body stiffen as footsteps came towards me "who's there?" I called out but I only heard silence afterwards. As I stood up and got out of the bed I heard a scatter across the room "show yourself!" I yelled furiously, but as I looked around the room I didn't see anything there. At the end of the room there was an old wooden door that was closed. I ran over and tried opening it but the door was locked, I needed a key. I heard another noise behind me that sounded like footsteps, the noise was getting louder and louder every second. At this point there was a million things that were going through my head and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I turned around slowly only to see an empty room. But as I looked I could see an old rusty key on the bed. I rushed and quickly grabbed the key, unlocked the door and put the key in my back pocket. I reached for the door handle and slowly turned it only to find a cold and gloomy hallway on the other side.

There wasn't much light except for the light coming from the windows but there were very dark storm clouds outside which meant the light was very dull. I started to walk down the cold, dark hallway I had chills going up and down my spine. Every footstep I took would echo which made me feel uneasy. Then a little light was visible at the end of the hallway. As I walked towards the light the air got thinner and colder, I started finding it hard to breathe. As I walked I heard someone whispering in the background but I couldn't figure out what they were saying and whenever I looked behind me no one was there. I couldn't help but feel like something was following me.

The hall way felt like it was going on forever and that it was never going to end. As I continued walking I started feeling worried and anxious, my muscles started to tense and sweat was running down my face. I don't think I had ever felt this nervous before in my entire life. I finally reached the end of the hallway and right in front of me was a beautiful old mirror. I looked in and saw that my appearance wasn't that flattering. I had scruffy long brown hair, ripped jeans and there was dirt all over my face and on my white top. As I instinctively tried to fix up my hair I noticed a strange figure in the corner of the mirror. I quickly turned around, but there was nothing there. Then I felt a small breeze on the back of my neck and I could hear a noise that sounded like someone was breathing. I could feel my heart beat getting faster and faster. I finally worked up the courage to turn around and then behind me I saw a creature standing in front of the mirror. It had long finger nails, four horns coming out of the sides of its head, three eyes that where fully white and on the left side of its face there was a gigantic scar. This creature also had saliva from its mouth running down its pale white skin which made me think that it was hungry. I let out a scream and ran down the hallway as fast as my legs could carry me. As I was running I looked back and I could see the creature chasing me. I could feel tears running down my face, I was terrified. I reached a dead end and just sat in the corner and cried "this is the end" I thought to myself as the creature was walking towards me "just hurry up and kill me!" I said in defeat as I closed my eyes.

I waited, but there was only silence so I slowly opened my eyes. I was astonished as I looked around. I was back home lying in bed next to my boyfriend "could this all have been a bad dream?" I whispered as I stood up and got out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Thankfully there wasn't any dirt on my face or top and there wasn't any rips on my jeans either. But I could feel an odd object in my back pocket I pulled it out and there it was the old rusty key.

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