Well, we tried

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Well, I'm not dead and I really need a concrete update time that I will not ignore. How about every two weeks? That sounds good. Maybe on Thursdays? Who knows?

Anyway, enjoy this weak piece of writing, if it can be called that. It's bad but it's an update.

Annabeth POV

"Are you insane?!" Percy shouts, he runs his hands through his hair making stick up even more than usual, "You can't be serious?"

"Just hear me out," I plead.

"You are serious," Percy said, "You're actually serious."

"Percy, this could work," I try again, even though I can feel doubt worming its self in.

"No, it really couldn't. First of all, Zeus Grace is an asshole and he hates even his own children. Secondly he's never met any of us and I know for a fact that he'd be even less likely to consider looking after us if you tell him your theory that we're all related," Percy chokes out something like a laugh, "And thirdly, you don't even know where he lives. How do you suppose we find him?"

"Well, when you put it like that," I mutter, starring at my feet. I hate feeling like a stupid little girl but everything Percy has said so far has had exactly that effect.

"Right, now I'd like it if you could keep any other theories or impossible schemes you have to yourself," he turns away as if he's dismissing me. I have enough of that in my life from my father, I don't need it from some homeless boy.

I draw myself up and say, "Nevertheless I'm going to keep trying because you saved my life and it's only fair I return the favour."

"They wouldn't have killed you," Percy says immediately, "and besides, I only saved you for the Titans."

His words sting a bit but I ignore them, "I don't care why you saved me or if they were actually going to kill me, you still saved me and I'm going to repay that debt. If you won't except help in the form of an adoption plan them maybe I can help you guys escape."

"Annabeth, that's really thoughtful of you," Percy's voice is tired, "but we look after ourselves and maybe you can help but we're going to have to wait until Hazel is better anyway. Maybe this time we won't leave at all."

He sounds so defeated that I actually feel it radiating off him. I feel sorry for him, for all of them but why won't they just except help? I suppose waiting until Hazel is better is reasonable, but what if she doesn't get better? Maybe that's what he means about not leaving at all?

"Percy!" Nico calls, rushing in with a fistful of cards, "Austin taught me this really cool game, it's called Mythomagic. Hi Annabeth."

"Bye Annabeth," Percy says, turning his attention to Nico, "Thanks for your offer, I'll call if I need your help."

"Bye," Nico grins, he seems awfully happy for someone who's sister might be dying but who am I to judge?

Thalia POV

Hazel is getting better, slowly but steadily. It's good and I'm excited seeing as she'll be coming to stay here in about a week's time, but will she really be better? I keep thinking about Leo too, he's sick and obviously we can't help him ourselves. Maybe we should tell them he's sick and see if they can cure whatever it is that's wrong with him, maybe he can get better like Hazel is. I still haven't seen him or Jason.

"Thalia, are you okay?" Jasmine waves her hand in front of my face and I start, apparently I zoned out. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

I swat her hand away and roll my eyes, "I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"Never do that," Clarisse says, "Thinking is over rated."

"Shut up," I mutter, turning away from her towards Jasmine, "Why did you interrupt me from my thoughts."

"Mrs S decided she's going to tutor you so you can start school soon, she told me to tell you that you'll start tomorrow," Jasmine says, throwing herself down in the chair next to mine. After our odd first encounter she and I have become good friends, bonded over much hatred for Drew and a love of sad, violent and animated movies.

"God, school sucks Thalia, don't do it. Also you'd be such a loser," Drew says, painting her nails.

"Don't be mean Drew," Lacy says, "You were a loser."

"Shut up, Lacy," Drew snaps.

"Why didn't she tell me herself?" I ask, tilting my head to look at Jasmine and ignoring the two of them.

Jasmine rolls her eyes at me, "She's at the shops, don't you ever listen to anything anyone says?"

"Not generally, no," I say, "I swear she said she was going to the shop later."

"Well she didn't," Jasmine mutters, rolling her eyes at me, "And you should really start listening to what other people say."

"Mm, no," I say, "It's not like I'll stay here for long anyway."

"You never know," Jasmine says, picking up a discarded book, "You might end up living here with the rest of us until you're eighteen."

I don't correct her because I'm not sure whether I will be leaving this time, I don't want to stay exactly and I miss everyone terribly but what if Hazel needs constant medical attention or Leo is actually in need of hospitalization? I don't really want to think about that so I grab Jasmine's book out of her hand and hold it above my head. She yells at me and Clarisse rolls her eyes, Lacy giggles and Drew sighs and continues painting her nails.

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