Father-Daughter Bonds

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"MAKAAAAAA!" Black Star was waiting outside the school for his oldest friend and jumped in front of her when she walked out of the building. "MAKA! YOUR GOD HAS SOME UNFORTUNATE NEWS."

She sighed, slanting her eyes towards him. "What is it, Black Star?"

"Your dad is coming with us on the mission," he stated, arms crossed over his chest.

She groaned, hands going to her head and pulling on her hair. "Just great." She huffed and shook her head. "Whatever. I'm going to the apartment to pack. If you see Soul, tell him to do so as well and that he should be done and out of the apartment by noon." She started to separate from them before she was stopped by Tsubaki, who was holding her back by her wrist.

"Listen, Maka, I know you're mad at Soul, and that you don't want to talk to him right now, but I think you guys should—"

"—talk it out so that our resonance isn't screwed up? It already is." When Tsubaki kept giving her a worried look, Maka sighed. "I'll talk to him after we all board the plane, alright? I promise." Tsubaki nodded and gave her a small smile, before releasing Maka's wrist and letting her walk away.

Black Star shook his head as they watched her go. "They'll talk, sure, but something tells me she'll be doing a lot of the talking and not much of the listening."

Tsubaki frowned sadly. "Unfortunately, knowing her as well as I do, I'm more inclined to agree with you."

Suddenly, Patty ran out of the building and dashed after Maka's retreating figure. "MAKA WAIT, ME AND MR. GIRAFFE WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER!" She kept shouting as she sped down the stairs and down the street, glomping Maka as soon as she was close enough to jump on her.
Soul finally arrived at their apartment building and sighed as he looked up at it for a few seconds, then began to walk inside. He went up the stairs, going over what he could say to her when he met up with her inside, but as soon as he opened the door to their apartment, he already knew he wasn't gonna have much luck, because she was just about done getting ready and already seemed annoyed.

"Soul-y!" Out of seemingly nowhere, Blair's large breasts were pushed into his face and he was having trouble getting air. After a few seconds he managed to pry her off just in time to catch Maka attempting to make a run for it.

"Hey, Maka—"

"Don't." He stopped at her somewhat shaky command. He saw her take a deep breath and clear her throat. "Not now, Soul. We'll talk on the plane, but I need to go meet with everyone to discuss the mission details. Get yourself packed and ready so you can meet up with us and catch up on the plan." She turned her head to gaze at him briefly before she turned once more and left. He could hear her footsteps going down the hallway, and he sighed, frowning.

"Soul-y, why does Maka seem so sad?" Blair asked, still in human form, but her face looked genuinely worried.

Soul shook his head, shrugging. "I know why, but it seems she doesn't want to talk about it, yet."

"Well, can't you tell Blair why, then?"

He scoffed. "No thanks. Whenever I told someone, I'd get whacked on the head, which still hurts, by the way. I'm not telling you. Maybe when we get back."

She pouted. "Fine." There was a "poof" and she had transformed into her cat form. She licked her paw, gazing at him meaningfully. "But she better be happy when she comes back home, you hear?"

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled, shuffling to his room and starting to pack up his things.
"MAKAAAAA!!!!" A very enthusiastic Spirit ran to his gloomy daughter, who proceeded to slam a book right into his cranium. He fell promptly collapsed onto the ground, tears comically leaked out of his eyes. "Why would you do this, Maka?! Your papa loves you so!"

"I could care less right now. Let's just go over the mission, please."

Spirit took a good look at his daughter and noticed that she had a slightly crestfallen expression. He recovered from the blow to his head and sat up, arms resting on his bent knees. "Is there something upsetting you, babygirl?"

She sent a glare at him. "It's nothing you need to worry about, believe me."

He pushed himself back on to his feet and stretched a bit, sighing. "Maka, my beautiful daughter, wouldn't it feel better if you told your papa what was wrong?"

She scoffed. "Doubtful."

He eyed her carefully before rubbing the back of his head. "Listen, I know that screwed up with your mother, Maka, and I accept that the fault is mine. But that doesn't mean I don't love you and care about what may be bothering you."

She sighed, head slightly drooping. "I know, Papa. Thanks."

He gave a small smile. "When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here for you."

It was times like these that Maka cherished with her father. Sure, she'll always be angry at him for ruining their family, but she never failed to acknowledge his genuine care for his daughter. She just...overlooked it, sometimes.

She gave a small smile to her father, but frowned as soon as he pulled her to him and hugged her. "Now give your papa a hug!"

"Get. Off. Of. Me."

"YOUR GOD HAS ARRIVED—WHY IS THERE HUGGING? THERE SHOULD BE NO HUGGING WITHOUT YOUR GOD PARTICIPATING!" Black Star dropped his bags and jumped into the hug. Tsubaki sighed and shook her head, a small smile visible on her face.

"LOOK, MR.GIRAFFE, A HUG PARTY!" Patty, who had just arrived with her sister and their meister, was holding a large stuffed giraffe and bounded towards the hugging group of people.

"If you don't get off of me this instant, so help me Death I will Maka-Chop you all—"

And the hugging ended promptly on that note.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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