Chapter 6

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Waking up to the warm body Lucca had been cuddled up to suddenly jumping out of his arms had him sitting up startled, that is before he remembered he was at Eve's and then heard the sound of retching coming from the bathroom attached to her bedroom, jumping up from her bed Lucca grabbed his boxers, pulling them on and rushing to Eve, holding back her hair and rubbing soft circles around her back with the palm of him hand, trying his best to soothe her.

When it seemed like she was finally finished she leaned against the wall sitting on the floor, Lucca quickly went to the kitchen and filled a glass of water with a small squeeze of lemon juice. Returning to the bathroom he found Eve in the same position in which he had left her. Hearing her murmur a quite "thank you" Lucca took the chance to reflect on last night.

It had been one of the best nights of his life, he was beginning to realize that the thought of spending the rest of his life with Eve was not as bad as he had imagined. She was perfect for him he just needed to try his best to make her realize that this could be more then just a marriage of convenience. Even though they had ended up in bed again last night Lucca was determined to take her on dates, try and make her more comfortable around him, they only had under two weeks before they were getting married so he had his work cut out for him.

Trying to find the energy to stand, Eve used the toilet as a stabilizer and pulled herself up, seemingly snapping Lucca out of the daydream that Eve assumed that he was in. Turning the shower on hoping the heat would make her feel more refreshed. As soon as it was heated up she removed the robe she had grabbed in her rush to the bathroom earlier, she ignored that Lucca was still standing in the room with her, that is until she heard the door open and in stepped Lucca fully naked, she couldn't stop her eyes from drifting over his body, it was like he was carved from marble, he had a perfect body.

Looking back up at Lucca's face she found him smirking at her. Dammit! she had been caught practically eye raping him, feeling a blush touch her cheeks she turned her back to him trying to recover from her embarrassment.

Feeling soapy hands start to rub all over her back Eve jumped in surprise, before relaxing against his hands as she gently massaged her back. Eve had to hold back the moan that was on the tip of her tongue.

Not wanting this to turn into anything more then him trying to relieve some of the tension she held in her muscles Lucca washed the soap from her body, helping her in washing her hair, before quickly cleaning off himself, turning off the shower and wrapping Eve in a large fluffy towel. Knowing he couldn't hold off much longer Lucca quickly dried himself and dressed before leaving Eve to dress on her own he made his way to the kitchen to make eggs and toast hoping that Eve would be able to hold them down, this morning sickness had him really worried, deciding they could both do with a day off, Lucca began cancelling all appointments for the day before rushing outside to his car to get the change of clothes that he always left in there, in case of emergency or if he spent the night working at the office, which happened more times then he would like.

Just as Lucca had returned back inside, quickly changed into his clean clothes and finished making coffee for himself and tea for Eve, Eve walked towards the small dinning table to find the breakfast he had prepared.

"Lucca this is great thank you so much."

"Your welcome il mio amore" (A.N: means "my love" in Italian) "I have cleared our schedule for the day, we could both do with a day off, maybe go out for lunch together? After the doctors appointment of course, but I thought it might give us a chance to talk uninterrupted, get to know each other better. If that is ok with you of course. If not I can leave" Lucca was beginning to ramble, he was so nervous that she might not want him around after last night.

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