Chapter 1-

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That's Destiny in the picture, I drew it myself. Enjoy the first chapter.

It was summer 2016, I sat in my bedroom staring out the window. High school was starting tomorrow, and frankly I was scared to death. My brain was filled with thoughts of everything that could go wrong. What if I dropped my tray at lunch and everyone laughed at me. What if I failed all my classes. What if I had no friends, and was a nerd. I dismissed all the thoughts in my head and focused on memorizing my schedule. Black days I had Art, English, Math, then Spanish. Gold days I had Interior Design, SRB, Computer Apps, and Science. I wonder about my teachers for a while, then head up stairs to get some lunch. I find a sandwich on the table and read the note next to it.

     "Dear Destiny, I have left for a business meeting I will be back very late try to be to bed by 10 since you have school tomorrow. Love you, mom."

I sigh she is always leaving, since my dad died when I was young, she had to raise me by herself. Since I have no siblings I am home alone. I find myself heading for the leather couch in the living room. I plop down and turn on the tv. I start munching my sandwich as Simpson's turns on. Homers voice fills my ears as I eat my turkey and cheese delicacy. I suddenly hear a knock on the door. I turn off the tv, and jump up and turn off all the lights. I then run up stairs and look out the window. I see a creepy black van in my paved drive way. I start to panicked and grab my iPhone out of my pocket. I try to turn it on but it's not working, no power. My eyes go wide, my heart is racing. I sink down onto the floor. I close my eyes and try to calm down.

I hear a loud gunshot from the kitchen I freak out and slide under my bed. I am breathing very heavily. I try to calm myself by griping the carpet but it doesn't help. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I freeze. My phone chooses this time to tell me it has 2% battery and makes a loud beeping noise. I try and succeeded to shut it up. But I am sure who ever is out there heard it. I listen for any noise but I hear nothing. Then I see feet approach the bed and a barrel of a gun appear underneath the bed. A gruff voice says.
"Come out with your hands up or I will shoot."
I slowly slide out with my eyes closed and stand up. I am to scared to open them. I am sure he can tell I'm scared, tears are welling up in my eyes.
"Open your eyes." The same voice says.
I slowly open my eyes to see a boy pointing a gun at me. He looks a few years older then me. I start whimpering as tears streak my face.
"Are you going to kill me." I say, my voice sounds rough.
He waits a bit before saying.
"Depends if you cooperate." He says smirking, does he find my misery amusing.
"Oh" I say quietly. I put my face down so I don't have to look at him anymore.
He grabs my arms roughly and practically drags my out of my room and down the stairs. I whimper and cry the whole time. He gags and blindfolds me before taking my outside. I am push into a vehicle the black van I assume. I feel a palm on my neck and a sharp pain. Did they just drug me!! I start panic and take in huge breaths. But my breathing slows and I slump over. My head hits the floor of the car and everything goes dark.

So this is my new book. Hope you enjoy it. I will try to update frequently like every other day. But teenagers get busy sometimes so sorry if I update late. Enjoy : )

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