||Chapter 1 || The Strange Girl From The Sky

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"AH!!!" (Y/n) yelled, flopping down in the grass and closing her eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks, hitting the ground below her as she just lied there and let the sun's light shine down on her. She needed time alone more than anything at the moment, its all she really wanted. She quietly sobbed, moving her hands to cover her eyes as she did," why can't they just respect my choices for once? I may be their little sister but I'm still one of them! Why can't they see that?!"

Turning over on her side, she softly touched a peddle of one of the many flowers that surrounded her. She pouted, careful not to hurt the plant in anyway anytime she touched it," what if...what if my dream was just a simple dream and my sisters were all right? What if it wasn't real? No one's going to come for our powers. That's just crazy..."

She sighed, looking up and staring at the blue sky above her. It was so beautiful, she thought, the blue sky mixed with the green forest...one of her favorite things to see...but since when was there something pink falling from the sky?

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes, trying to see what the pink object was that seemed to be falling rather quickly towards the ground. Her eyes went wide as she shot up from where she lied, gasping," what's a girl doing falling from the sky?!"

She wasn't wrong for their actually was a girl falling from the clouds. From what could be seen, the girl had long blond hair and some kind of pink outfit. Her eyes were wide with fear as she fell, screaming as she did but who won't?

The girl was getting closer to the trees, bracing herself as she disappeared into the leaves of the giant plant. Reaching her hands out, the girl manged to grab a branch of the tree and stop herself from falling. She opened her eyes, sighing with relief before hearing a 'snap'. The branch broke as I girl fell once more, hitting the ground below with a 'thump'. At least catching the branch slowed her fall...

"...U-Ugh..." she groaned, pulling herself off the dirt ground and rubbing her head. It wasn't a soft landing however she was still alive which was all she cared about at the moment.

"Thank Hylia your alright!" The girl jumped a bit, looking up to see (Y/n) hurrying over to her, stopping a little way in front of her and panting.

"W-Who are you? Where...w-w-where is this?" The girl's eyes were still wide as she stared at (Y/n) then looked around the place surrounding them. It was way different from what she was use too. Way different.

"My name's (Y/n)~ And what do you mean 'where is this'?" (Y/n) smiled brightly with a titled head as the girl contained to stare at her.

"This place...its...its not Skyloft! Its bellow-Are we at the surface?!" The girl put a hand on her head, looking down before back up at (y/n) again.

"Surface...? I guess you could say that...Who are you? And who's Skyloft?" (Y/n) asked, kneeling down in front of the poor shaken up girl as she shook her head, getting very confused about what (Y/n) mean't.

"I-I'm Zelda and Skyloft isn't a 'who' its a 'what'. Its my home, in the sky," the girl, Zelda, pointed to the sky as (Y/n) looked up, raising an eyebrow as she tried to picture this...'Skyloft' in her head. 

"If your home is up there, then why are you down here?" (Y/n) asked yet another question as Zelda stood up, dusting herself off with a sigh.

"I don't truly know what happened. There was this black tornado in the sky and it knocked me off my loftwing...Link was there and...Link!" Zelda's eyes went wide as she looked around quickly, freaking out. She turned, grabbing (Y/n) shoulders and looking her in the eyes," you haven't seen a boy around, have you? He has blond hair, blue eyes, goes by the name of Link and likes to sleep a lot too!"

"Oh I've seen him," (Y/n) nodded slowly as Zelda smiled brightly.

"You have! Then where is he?" She asked happily as (Y/n) frowned.

"Well he's...He's dead."

"WHAT?!" Zelda gasped, covering her mouth as (Y/n) nodded, looking to the side as she didn't like to talk much about it. 

"Yeah, he was killed when the war ended."

"War? What...war?" Zelda titled her head, raising an eyebrow as (Y/n) looked down.

"This evil man came and started war with my goddess, Hylia. She choose the boy you speak of to be the choose hero and fight the evil-" (Y/n) began as Zelda cut her off.

"Oh thank the goddesses...we aren't talking about the same boy...I'm sorry but the boy I speak of wasn't around when Hylia was. This boy lives on Skyloft with me and our friends," Zelda explained as (Y/n) made an 'oh' face, nodding.

Zelda walked pass (Y/n) a bit, looking around the forest then to her," did you fall down here too?"

"No. This is my home."

"Your home? Are there others?" 

"Yep. My three sisters live here too," (Y/n) chirped as Zelda nodded, humming.

"Do you know anywhere I can go to get me back to the sky?" she asked as (Y/n) thought for a moment, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry...I don't."

"That's fine. Thank you for your help (Y/n) but I must look for a way to get home. It was nice meeting you though," Zelda bowed her head as (Y/n) smiled.

"Its was nice meeting you too, Zelda~ I wish you good luck~!" (Y/n) waved as Zelda smiled, waving to her as well.

"Thank you," Zelda looked around, sighing and walking off into the forest in search for answers. 

(Y/n) watched her go, tiling her head with curiosity shining in her (e/c) eyes," what a strange girl...falling from the sky..."

(Y/n) looked up at the sky, humming," I wonder if there'll be others that will fall from the sky too..."

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