Chapter 1: Forgiveness

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(Undyne's POV)

It's been months since I had that nightmare about killing Frisk when I thought it was Chara, I flinched when I said those words. Since all that happened I am almost healed, but I couldn't face Frisk. I felt so scared I'll hurt her or worse killed her. Alphys been worried about me and I haven't had a nightmare since that happened and I haven't seen Chara.

When Dr. Undyne brought Capt. Alphys and their guard here everybody felt safer, but I didn't. I haven't seen anybody besides Alphys because I was scared. Once in my life I felt afraid. I would sneak out when Alphys and I was ready for bed to go for a walk to clear my head. I was lying beside Alphys as we cuddled on the bed. Dr. Undyne and Capt. Alphys were sleeping on our couch, we all got along great, but everybody was worried about me.

When I knew Alphys was dead asleep I got up gently as I laid her head on her pillow and I kissed her forehead. I went into the closet and put my armor on and when I did that I was about to walk out until I turned around and saw Alphys looking at me worried.

"U-U-Undyne, where are you *yawn* going?" She asked and I sat at the end of the bed and Alphys moved from her spot and started to massage my shoulders.

"I was going to go ugh... on my rounds to make sure everybody is safe." I loved it when she does this because she makes sure my scars were healing.

"Y-Y-You know everybody is w-w-worried about you Undyne... Also Frisk has b-b-been asking why you haven't been coming by to s-s-see her and Tori.' My heart sank a little because just talking about her hurts. 'U-U-Undyne, you can't keep ignoring F-F-Frisk you know... She's been really upset a-a-about it." Tears started to form in my eyes and I covered them with my hands. I started to sob.

"I'm scared Alphys... after I had that nightmare... I'm so afraid I'll attack her... am I losing my mind...?" I said sobbing. I felt her get off the bed and walk in front of me as she took my hands off my eyes and she held them. She wiped the tears off my face.

"I-I-It was just a nightmare... You w-w-won't hurt Frisk I p-p-promise. Why do you t-t-think you're losing y-y-your mind?" She as she pulled me into her embrace and we were both on the ground. I hated worrying her so much. I hate that everybody is worried about me.

"Alphys, it felt so... real. I just feel like I am... losing control, but I don't know why... Everything that's been going on lately... I'm really scared Alphys..." I said crying and putting my head down to look at the floor, but she lifted it back up.

"Undyne I've n-n-never seen you like this b-b-before. If Chara shows up... W-W-We'll be ready. Undyne, you are t-t-the bravest, strongest and k-k-kind hearted monster I know. That's why I f-f-fell in love with y-y-you Undyne. Please go see F-F-Frisk, she would love that. If you w-w-want I can go with y-y-you." I looked up at her as I wiped the tears from my face and smiled. She was right, I can't ignore Frisk and if she's that upset because of me I felt even worse as I frowned.

"You're right Alphys, maybe I should go see her. You don't mind going over there tonight do you?" Her face lit up and she kissed me and I blushed just like her. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"S-S-Sure, just let me get r-r-ready." With that Alphys released me as she went into the bathroom as I waited for her. I hope it goes well, because if it doesn't and I hurt her or anyone I would never forgive myself.

Time Skip (Frisk's, Tori's and Sans' House)

I was on my guard the whole time as we walked to Tori's house with Alphys in front of me because I didn't trust here at night. Chara hasn't made an appearance since the nightmare and that wasn't a good sign. No monsters have gone missing, but I had a feeling she's planning something big I just know she is. We finally arrived at Tori's and I felt my heart race. The lights were on so they were still awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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