Author's note

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Hello everyone! :) 

I'm happy to say that 'delay' is now completed.

'delay' means a lot to me. It's very special because the inspiration for this story came when I was waiting at a train station the weekend before last with my dad and brother. The train on the other platform was delayed because of a successful suicide attempt, and then my mind immediately flashed back to the moment where my friend told me about how frequently her dad's train was delayed because of suicide attempts.

When I asked my dad about it, he said it happened to him a lot too.

Thus, the ultimate purpose of this story is to try and raise awareness about an issue that is often overlooked extremely, because it's not reported in the news very often at all where I live. I wasn't even aware of all the suicide attempts until my friend told me, and to actually see it for myself on a notice board was devastating. No one should feel so low about themselves or be pushed to committing suicide - there is so much more to life, and it saddens me that some people may have never had the opportunity to experience that. We all hear about suicide cases online, but I noticed that people tend to almost forget about it in their normal lives because they never personally experience its effects themselves.

I also don't know if anybody noticed, but I purposefully italicised the girl's cynical and twisted thoughts about suicide to reflect how with some people, even the littlest things can set them off and make them feel bitter. It's important to understand this when trying to make someone happier.

Lastly, I would like to thank everybody for their fantastic and lovely support throughout for 'delay'. I would really appreciate you guys sharing this story with others if you feel it's worthy of doing so.

It would be nice to spread awareness through a bittersweet short story. :) 

Thank you!

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