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“This is beautiful Louis!” He handed me a crystal clear glass in which bubbles were sluggishly moving their way up through the expensive champagne. The room inside was huge with wooden rafters in the ceiling and the bare concrete and red brick walls. With the occasional pieces of mind wrecking art, which formed surrealistic figures in every color around the place - the contrast took my breath away. The casual rawness against the artistic pieces were mind blowingly beautiful.


I spun around in the room with a light giggle, as I took everything in.

Louis just rolled his eyes at me, “you wanna meet the artist?” My eyes grew wide as I nodded.


After having been introduced to way too many people for me to remember every name, and after Louis having given me refreshment after refreshment, the hours had drifted away. You could just sense how the sun was starting its way going down over the sky again, and the laughter grew lighter and lighter as the glasses of champagne and other drinks were emptied.


While I had actually tried to appreciate the art, Louis on the other hand had kept whispering things to me. He seemed to not care one last bit about the art - he had his attention on something else.


“Come on,” he had casually placed his hands on my hips, as I watched a painting with my head tilted to the side in a try to make out the motive.


“I know a place where there’s more quiet - and that’s the place my favorite installation is placed. You wanna see it?” I had had way more to drink than him. But right now he seemed just as adorable, as the time before we broke up. Before I broke it off with him. I loved the raspiness of his voice and the way his hair was perfectly messy. But there was still a reason behind me breaking up with him - and I couldn’t forget that. I had to convince him that we were merely friends now.


“Sure,” I would go see this installation with him - it being his favorite made me kind of curious - and then I would let him know that this would be the last time for us to spend time together. No more fooling around, no more him trying to get me back. This was going to have to end. This was the reason I had come here. 


To my surprise the tip of his tongue touch the skin on my neck and I couldn’t tell him to back the fuck off, before he was pulling me with him through the many rooms, as if his playful act had never occured. As he sent me a smile over his shoulder I decided to let him go this time. It had been a playful move. Nothing more.


We had practically reached the end of the gallery by now. Fewer and fewer people were in the rooms, as we giggling made our way with Louis leading the two of us. The champagne had really gotten to my head making me feel light and foolish. But I couldn’t let this cloud my judgement. No, I would let him know that this had to end. And in a quiet room here in the back it would be the perfect opportunity to talk things over.


“You ready?” We had reached an open doorway, which led into yet another room of the gallery. A room filled with complete darkness. No one was around. Louis’ smile was sly and playful, as I nodded. He took my other hand and held his eyes on mine, as he walked backwards into the room - looking at me in the process.

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