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I'm currently really bored in class. And before you go like OMG UNI!!! WHY ARE YOU ON YOUR PHONE IN CLASS??? Well we are alowed to be on our phones right now.

So im bored I want to go to lunch. Starcatcher24 and Malfoy4evr are lucky. There at lunch right now. I dont go to lunch untill 11:09. Ughhh.

I just helped my friend with her work.

I'm in science. Science is pretty boring. But Socail Studies is more boring. Especially the teacher. Right Malfoy4evr !

The sub said we can play games on our phones. The only game on my phone is Pokémon Go.


This is really random.

I might read something on wattpad or hollow city but I need to save that for 4th and 6th hour.

I need to put some stuff on hold at the library so imma do that right now because u can do it online. Yay!

Rants Because Life 2 [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin