Pref#12: Halloween

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"Be back by 9. It's a school night." You ordered.

"Of course mom. I never would dream of it." 14 year old Diana smiled. She was dressed as Black Widow. Diana took her brothers hand and smiled at him.

"You ready Steve Rogers?" She teased.

"I want candy." Declan cheered.

"Stay in the neighborhood." Patrick reminded the two as he walked down the stairs.

"Yes dad." Declan replied. Your two children skipped out of the house and you looked over at Patrick.

"We handing out candy or doing this?" You asked.

"I mean, we should hand out candy instead of letting greedy children take all that candy we leave in a bowl." Patrick sighed.

"Why?" You whined. Patrick grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into his arms.

"Greed is one of the seven deadly sins." Patrick smirked, whispering in your ear.

"Well, people never done a good thing." You giggled. Patrick laughed and kissed you.

"How about we watch something on Netflix?" Patrick suggested.

"Something tells me we're not gonna do much watching of that movie." You smile. Patrick smiled back and picked you up by the waist and throwing you over his shoulder.

"Of course not." Patrick scoffed, taking you upstairs


"Come on Zand, it's not that bad." Joe sighed, talking long strides in his Kylo Ren costume.

"This is embarrassing. I mean, I love you guys and all, but I should be trick-or-treating with my friends." Zander sighed wearing a Han Solo costume.

"What does it matter sweetie? We're pretty cool too." You shrugged, your Rey costume on point.

"But did we all have to have matching costumes?" Zander sighed, looking at Ruby in your arms dressed as BB-8.

"We're cute, you little brat." Joe teased, ruffling Zander's hair. Zander rolled his eyes but stopped as he saw Diana walking with Declan.

"Damn." He mumbled. You looked over at Joe as you two stopped in front of a house.

"What time is it. I'm gonna miss Jane The Virgin if we don't hurry." You frowned.

"We'll be home in time baby." Joe promised.

"Mr and Mrs. Trohman." Diana smiled. Zander groaned and lowered his head.

"Hi Diana, hi Declan." Joe smiled.

"Hey Zand." Diana said softly. Zander raised his head and waved shyly.

"Hi." He said.

"Zand, Ruby, Declan, dad and I are gonna hit this house. You can wait here with Diana if you'd like." You suggested.

"Y-Yeah okay." Zander stuttered. You, Joe, Declan, and Ruby went to get candy while Zander stayed behind with Diana.

"Hey, I got a bunch of twizzlers." Diana said suddenly.

"Those are my favorites." Zander smiled.

"I know. Wanna trade?"

"Okay. What do you want?"

"A kiss." Zander froze before Diana bursted out laughing.

"It's fine if you don't have one, silly. Any kind of chocolate will be fine." She giggled. Zander blushed and nodded his head.

"S-sure. Here." He said handing Diana a king sized Hershey bar.

"Dude, are you sure you wanna give this to me?" Diana gasped.

"It's your favorite." Zander blushed.


"This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!" Pete chanted as you walked downstairs with Saint fast asleep in your arms.

"So, he's out for the movie." You sighed.

"Dammit kid, live a little." Pete complained to his 6 month old son.

"Whatever Pete. Anyway, Bronx and Danielle need me upstairs. It was a horrible mistake making them share a room. They're both sick." You groaned.

"But the Nightmare Before Christmas!" Pete whined.

"We watch it on every holiday Pete! Christmas is right around the corner babe." You kissed Pete's cheek before going to put Saint down, and dealing with your sick children. Pete frowned at your tired expression and D allowed you upstairs. You walked into Bronx and Danielle's room to see them both wrapped in their blankets with tissues surrounding the bed.

"Mommy, my head hurts." Bronx frowned.

"Mine too." Danielle added. You pulled on a smile and pulled a chair between your children's two beds.

"How about I sing you guys a song and put you to bed?" You offered.

"Yes please." Both children sniffled. You were thinking of a song when you heard a voice from behind you.

"Boys and girls of every age. Wouldn't you like to see something strange?" You turned to see Pete with a sheepish smile.

"Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween. This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Pumpkins scream in the dead of night." You joined in, making sure to keep the song soft. Soon Bronx and Danielle fell asleep and you and Pete left.

"I think this has been the best Halloween ever." Pete mumbled, kissing behind your ear.

"I agree." You smiled.


Andy stood next to Fabian as he picked out his costume...30 minutes before going trick-or-treating.

"I told you we should've went early." Andy grumbled.

"Quiet, I'm trying to concentrate!" Fabian hissed. Andy rolled his eyes as you walked around the corner.

"Dada!" Andy smiled to see you walking towards him with 1 year old Winona in your arms.

"Hey pretty girl? Have you got your costume?" Andy asked taking Winona out of your hands.

"Yeah, she's gonna be hello kitty. Fabes, you find what you're looking for?" You asked.

"I'm stuck. I don't really like these costumes." Fabian frowned.

"What about the Captain America costume?" You asked.

"Um, why not Iron Man?" Andy scoffed. You glared at him and covered Winona's ears.

"If you weren't such a good lay, none of them would be here." You frowned, shaking your head.

"Mommy, I want to be the Winter Soldier!" Fabian smiled.

"Bless." You sighed happily. You bought Fabian the costume and began your drive home.

"I still can't believe you're on Steve's side." Andy grumbled from the driver's seat. You glared again and scoffed.

"I can't believe you're with Tony." You replied.

A/N: This was supposed to post yesterday but my Wattpad was bugging out. Sorry for it being late.

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