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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

—Helen Keller

| soupçon: suspicion. |

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1 mars 1690
[ 1st of March 1690 ]

UTTER dread overtook Madeleine with each passing moment

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UTTER dread overtook Madeleine with each passing moment. Though she had attempted to spent her time stargazing, she'd found it impossible to hush the harping thoughts in her mind. They only grew worse as she paced around the chamber. It was only then that she opted to sit and stare at the fateful object that had determined her entire future. It was the letter she'd come to French court with; the one she had no intentions of obeying a few weeks ago.

The brunette's eyes skimmed through the tattered pages and darkened ink; feeling rather overwhelmed with the various lands that had been listed. She harbored no doubts that they were all tangible benefits written in— what she knew to be —her father's handwriting along with other unfamiliar penmanship. Those she could only assume those came from Tobias' side of the family. Everything she could ever doubt about her new marriage would be easily overshadowed by that single letter, and that thought did nothing but leave a sour taste in her mouth. Nevertheless, she mustered enough courage to allow her eyes to meet the very bottom of it. And there she was greeted with the choice she was currently wishing to take back: her signature.

The name seemed to mock her agony as she stared at it; hoping to find some sort of familiarity or reassurance that could salvage the vow now tying both her and Tobias together for life. And when none of that came, Madeleine fought the urge to let her sorrow manifest. Instead, her head filled up with the wonderful memories of Paris— the ones she had the privilege to actually live out before returning to the palace two days ago. In all honesty, returning to French court was a decision she vehemently regretted. Life was too fragile sometimes and easily affected by dreadful circumstances. Its fragility was something she knew far too well now. After all, Madeleine found herself in complete solitude since the early evening— back when Tobias was actually with her. He hadn't returned from his talk with Archer and it wasn't long before dusk turned into completely darkness. The silence continued to gnaw at her as regret over their union started to grow.

However, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of the large wooden door creaking open. Madeleine looked back immediately and gazed at the sudden intrusion. It was Tobias; his face just as ghostly as the cold night seeping through the open window. No words were said. In fact, the young man's gaze never lifted up from his dark boots. It wasn't long before Madeleine took the initiative after the presumptions that he would say something first were dashed.

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