"After all, we all know Hide and Seek can be a scary game, especially when we don't want to be found."
―Callie Hunter   

Saturday, Same day, 6:40 a.m.

"1,2,3,4!-'' she yelled childishly from the corner of my bedroom as she masked her hands over her face and began counting. Her voice had changed from the malevolent one that made her the monster she was into the girly tone of a young girl at play. Panicking I run as fast as my feet would go, trying to be careful as to not to fall over because my hands were bound tightly in front of me and if I fell I wouldn't have enough time hide before she found me. I didn't want to think about what she would do if she did, the thought of her long curved machete made my brain punch at the insides of my skull painfully. My face already still felt swollen and singed with hot searing pain from when she had slapped uncontrollably, and so the wrath of her machete would take it up a notch, times two "8,9,10" I hear her muffled voice fade in and out as I bounded down the stairs in to the darkened living room, my heart beating in my chest and tears spilling out of my eyes as I turned my head in every which way trying to find a good place to hide. None.

I didn't have to play this game if I didn't want to I mean I could just leave. I stared at the front door and then cocked my ear up to stairs, to listen out for any sounds "12,13,14-" I run for the door as fast as I can and twist at the knob with my bound hands, it wouldn't open, it was almost as if it was locked even though it wasn't because I had clicked the lock on the doorknob to unlock it before. A small whimper escapes from the back of my throat and I quickly cover my hands over my mouth and freeze. There were no sounds coming from upstairs. I listen harder, not daring to move a muscle until I heard her still counting "18,19" I relax, my once tensed shoulders exhaling with the wind that was trapped in my throat, I run towards the back door that was in the kitchen connected to the back of the house and try to unlock it as well. The door doesn't budge. I twist and twist, completely going delirious and frantic as I tried to unlock the only door that would free me. "Come on" I egg on at the door, but the doorknob doesn't move let alone twist. "Come on!" I finally yell not even caring if she had heard me, I kick and scream at the door, my fists punching, trying to find a way out

"Help Help!" I scream through the window, but the old neighbors next door didn't seem to hear me as they sat on their porch drinking coffee and rocking in rocking chairs as they usually did on Saturdays "Heeeeelp!" I scream louder and they reply by getting up and walking back into the house and shutting the door, I break down, and my body crumples and slides slowly down the wood of the door in hacking sobs. I was trapped.

"You're supposed to be hiding" a malevolent voice hisses from behind me and my muscles tense up again knowing fully well who it was. I don't dare to move. I don't dare to look behind me, instead I stair straight ahead as I sit crumpled on the tiled kitchen floor.

"Why are you not hiding?" her voice is closer now, and my hot breath gets caught in my throat

"I said why are you not hiding?" she says again calmly , except I can hear a hint of loom in her voice.

"cccau- ", CCCCCCRRRRRK! She slaps me with a blow to the side of my face and I squeal in pain

"Your lying!" she says and begins to drag me across the floor by the nape of my clothing as I kick and scream in agony

"we're supposed to playing hide and seek and your ruining it!" my skin rubbed against the hard floor as she dragged with forced, I tried to free myself from her grasp but mu hand were bound tightly with ropes and the only thing I could do was thrash around as she drug my body up the stairs and into my room, where she slammed the door, her hand finally releases from the back of my shirt and I thrash around on the floor violently as I screamed and tried to pick myself up "you do realize I have a Machete In my hand" She says while looking at me in disgust her hand raised threatingly as she held the machete in air as if she would bring it down on my head, I froze and looked at her with straight fear, my body began to shake violently and I realized If I really wanted to get out of this house alive I would really have to play the game.

"well, I'm glad that got your attention" she chuckled with a laugh and dropped the machete and her arm to her side "anyway, I think that we hadn't discussed the rules yet so let me lay it out for you. You can't try to escape because you can't. All the doors and every escape route is locked, and will stay locked until the game is over. Secondly, forget about yelling for help or calling anyone, I took care of that too. This whole house has a sound barrier and no one can hear you even if you were to scream until you shit yourself. Also, I took care of telephones, they are mysteriously shut down and won't cut back on until midnight, as for cellphones? They won't work either. Anyway, my point is you better think straight and try to win this game because all those little plans your thinking about aren't going to work. Got It?"

I shake my head up and down vigorously, and she holds her hand out for me so I can take it and get back up, I stare at her Icy pale fingers and don't budge

"Take it" she says calmly with an evil smirk

I grab her hand and it feels like a solid block of ice in my own

CCCCRK! She slaps me with a blow once I'm standing and I fall back down again, howling in pain,

She laughs and laughs while I whimper, until finally she says " bitch get your own self up" and walks away to the corner where she was originally counting in " hey, you better go start hiding before I start counting" she suggests with a grin while looking over her shoulder at me pathetically, I scramble off the ground and open the door before  running out of room

"Run Girl Run!" She screams delightfully at my turned back.

and I do. Like my life depended on it.

Her Last Game  (hide and seek) (Watty's 2017)Where stories live. Discover now