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Chapter 5.3

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The minutes crept by second by second as they turned into hours. Alex, Lillian, and Corin dozed with their heads against the wall, every so often jolting awake to glance around before falling back into a light, uneasy sleep. There was little movement in the air, and the mugginess caused beads of sweat to dot Alex's face.

Silence permeated the empty med-bay. Shadows covered the unused equipment, leaving everything blanketed in darkness save for the single blue curtain pulled across the entrance to Aliyn's room. Only the rhythmic sounds of the various machines and pumps pulsed against the low hum of the station's systems, droning lazily in the background. Faint white light glowed against the ceilings from the various light fixtures that dotted the walls. Only half of them were lit, casting most of the unit in shadows.

It was the voice of the physician that woke Alex from his fitful sleep. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the stale air. It must be late. The airflow systems shut down at periodic intervals at night to conserve power.

He swallowed, trying to relieve the dryness in his mouth.

How much time had passed?

"Hello. I'm Doctor Haes, Senior Lunar Physician, and the one responsible for the care of your captain." The doctor extended a hand to Alex, who shook it with a loose grip and straightened, nudging both Lillian and Corin awake.

"We've been able to stabilize Captain Flynn for the time being, but we cannot remove the hand from her leg." Doctor Haes gave Alex a sympathetic look, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Whatever has afflicted the severed limb has made its way into Captain Flynn's body.

"Although it had initially infected the subcutaneous tissue of her leg, it has now passed into her circulatory system. We have lowered her body temperature hoping it will slow the infection and give us more time. She is still unconscious, but septic, and will remain so until the contagion is released from her blood. You were lucky to get her here when you did. If she had arrived any later, stalling the infection would no longer be an option. As of now, we are unsure of how to proceed. This is something never seen before."

"Then what do you intend to do?" Alex stood. His throat felt parched as if filled with gravel. It was the worst news he could have hoped for, and he refused to believe they could not help the captain.

"We do not have the resources or equipment to deal with such an infection. We need to transfer her to Earth for treatment. Other than that, the most we can do for her is to keep her comfortable and keep her stable." The doctor pushed short strands of brown hair behind her ears before moving her long fingers against the tablet she held in one hand. Blood dotted her white lab coat, most likely Aliyn's.

"We'll take her," Lillian addressed Dr. Haes, reaching up to place a hand on Alex's forearm.

"You don't have the facilities to transport her," the doctor answered, her voice curt as she shook her head.

"The Ardent is faster than any medical transport the Lunar has access to. It is better to have her come with us." Corin spoke up, leaning forward until one elbow was resting on his knee.

"You do not even have a medical officer assigned to your vessel yet." The doctor continued her case, making a few notes on the tablet in her hands.

"Would it not be better for the Lunar to assign a physician to the Ardent for Flynn's transfer rather than use up even more medical resources to take her to Earth?" Lillian asked, resting her chin in her palms. Dark circles punctuated her green eyes, betraying a night of little sleep. "The Lunar is one of the few remote space stations to offer medical care in this part of the solar system. You'd be best to preserve your resources while you can. Assign us a doctor, and we will get her to Earth as soon as possible."

The doctor seemed to think on this for what seemed like quite some time, tapping her finger on the side of the tablet. She closed her eyes, chest moving with a large breath. When she opened her eyes, she addressed them.

"Captain Flynn's condition requires her to reach Earth as soon as she can. You are right in the assumption that your ship would take her there faster than our medical transport. I will assign one of our physicians to your ship until you reach Earth."

"What are her chances?" Alex asked the question that must be running through everyone's mind.

Haes grew silent, pursing her lips and sliding her stylus into the pocket of her lab coat. She hesitated.

"I don't want to give you false hope. The captain is in serious condition. I'm not even sure how much the infection has damaged her body. If it reaches her brain, I'm concerned..."

"Will she become like Fritz—just a moving corpse?" Alex interrupted her, worry causing his voice to rise in volume.

"I don't know," she responded, changing the subject. "That's why we need to get her to Earth. I will forward her file so they will have all the information they need when you arrive."

"Can we see her?" Alex asked, swiping a nervous hand through his hair.

Doctor Haes hesitated before nodding. "I will make the arrangements for transfer. Be prepared to leave within the hour." She gestured to the curtain, placing the tablet underneath an arm, and turning to leave.

Alex's stomach heaved with a sickening anticipation as he grasped the curtain, pulling it to one side. Nothing prepared him for the sight waiting for him behind it.

Aliyn was unrecognizable. The myriad of tubing and devices attached to her pale and bluish form made her seem more machine than human. The tubing and devices were the only things keeping her alive. The withered hand still clung to her leg and branching from its gnarled fingers were webs of black veins, reaching up the captain's leg past her knee.

Still, despite all the tubes, she looked as though she were sleeping, her chest rising and falling with every shallow breath. Alex placed his hand on her forearm, shuddering for an instant at how icy her skin had become. Lillian and Corin filtered in behind him, surrounding the stretcher.

Corin cursed under his breath. Any sign of his humorous attitude vanished at the sight of Aliyn on the stretcher. He fell silent.

"I will start the preparations for departure," Lillian murmured, keeping her eyes averted from Aliyn's unmoving figure. The fiery red head grew pale. She left the room in a rush, the curtain fluttering behind her.

Corin looked at Alex, shaking his head. He exhaled and shoved his hands deep into his pockets. "I'll go too. We want to leave as fast as possible."

Alex nodded somberly. "Yeah, I'll sign the papers and meet you there."

As Corin left, Alex turned back to Aliyn and gave her hand a tight squeeze. "Don't worry, Flynn. We'll get you out of this somehow. I promise." He brushed his fingers against her knuckles before releasing her hand and exiting the room.

A woman with curly black hair and deep brown skin extended her hand to him as he pulled the curtain shut behind him. He looked up at her quizzically and blinked, extending his own hand.

"Dr. Colette Jordan. They have assigned me to the Ardent and Captain Flynn's care," the woman spoke. She was about a foot shorter than Alex, with a muscular build and dressed in blue slacks, a loose-fitting shirt, and a white lab coat. Her thick black hair was pulled into a large, simple bun at the nape of her neck, and small coiled strands were loose around her hairline. Her curious brown eyes took in every detail around her.

Alex shook her hand while studying her face, offering a strong nod. "Glad to have you aboard. The crew is preparing for departure. I just need to sign the papers and we're good to go. According to Doctor Haes, time is not on our side, so we don't have time for pleasantries. I will see you there shortly." He excused himself and made his way to the desk to make arrangements for Aliyn's discharge.

Within the hour, the Ardent had been prepared and loaded for departure. With clearance granted, the Lunar's large white arms opened, releasing the small ship into Europa's orbit. With its precious cargo aboard, the Ardent zoomed into the blackness of space, leaving Jupiter's colossal presence behind it.

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