Chapter 13

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Draco’s POV

Blaise had seemed like he wanted to talk to me about what had happened on the mission, but I waved him off and headed to my bedroom. There was nothing that he could say that would make me believe that the situation was in fact a game as well as awkward. I never thought that I would be kissing Potter, even if it really wasn’t him. It was just weird and whoever it had been was messing with my head. There was no way…

That person knew what my weakness was and played it very well. Courtney was dead and there was no way that she was going to be coming back anytime soon. She was gone forever. I was pretty sure that my aunt Bella wouldn’t lie about that. Sure, she lied about plenty of things, but she never once lied to me. I would like to think that we had a special bond because she treated me as such, but she never once actually did anything with me. Despite all that, she had never lied to me. I don’t believe for a second that she would strew the truth when it came to my feelings. I could trust her…with my life that was, not with anyone else’s.

“Hey mate,” Micah came into my room with his brother close behind. “How did it go?”

“It couldn’t have gone well. It was a suicide mission for sure,” Mitch said as he sat in the armchair, not looking at me. He seemed to not like me very much, and the only reason that I could come up with was that I was marrying the girl that he loved. Lila was a target for all of us guys in that room, one that I didn’t even want but was forced into. Micah and Mitch, on the other hand, have been in love with her. She just considers them her very best friends though, which she should not. In my opinion, either guy is the right guy for her. She just needs to choose.

“Obviously, it wasn’t, Mitch, because he’s standing right here. My question was: Was it successful?” Micah smirked as he lay on my bed.

I just shook my head and sat in my window seat. Looking down at the ruins of the Flint Manor just made it worse. Her voice had come out of Potter’s mouth. You would’ve thought that I would’ve stopped and looked at whoever it was with a quizzical look on my face before lashing out, but the sound of her voice made me angry. I knew that it had to be a trick, either one that I was making up in my head or the person knew exactly how to play me.

But how did they learn how to mimic Courtney?

“So, it wasn’t a success?” Micah asked, sitting up on his elbows to look at me.

I turned and looked over at him. “No, it wasn’t. We found the wrong one that just played games with us.”

“What kind of games?” Mitch was the one who asked, seemingly interested.

“Well, the Order knew we were coming, so they had others drink Polyjuice potion to look exactly like Potter. It threw us off, and Blaise and I followed the wrong one. That Potter,” I paused and swallowed hard, “seemed like it was the perfect one to throw us off course. It knew exactly what would stop me in my tracks, and I got angry.”

Mitch raised an eyebrow at me. “And what is your weakness, Draco?”

“His one true love,” Micah said with a quick glance at his brother. “What did they do exactly?”

I took a deep breath. “They used her voice. Her pure, angelic voice was pouring from that filthy Potter’s mouth just to mess with me.”

“How could that be possible?” Mitch asked, sitting up properly.

I shrugged. “The only way I can figure is that it was someone who had been close with her, someone like her best mate or possibly an ex boyfriend or something.”

Mitch shook his head. “No one can mimic someone perfectly. It isn’t even possible with the magic that we have right now. There are spells that will alter your voice but none that will mimic the voice of another person.”

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