Chapter 19-Return to Asgard

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The day of Catalina's return happened on a Thursday, the first day of year eleven.

The princess stood in her room packing up her belongings, trying her best to hold back her emotions. The room was almost empty, and unfortunately, Catalina had more to take back with her than she had brought. She looked over at the little music box she had cherished for so long, and pushed it back onto the dresser. It would stay.

She stood in front of her armor, hanging on hooks on the wall just as Iellwen came in.

"Are you ready my lady?"

Catalina looked at the armor, the silver and gold, the purple cape and the knee high boots; and the sword. Asgard appeared in her mind with its glory and splendor. She missed it more than anything, yet she couldn't leave this place.

"Iellwen, if only I had never met you," the princess choked back her tears. "Then I would not have to say goodbye. Then I'd never have to leave, never have to choose."

The elf maid hugged the princess, "you are Princess of Asgard. You remember who you are, and stand tall when you make your decision. You will not regret either one." She kissed Catalina's cheek and wiped away her tears. "And whatever happens, we will see each other again."

They smiled at one another, and as the guards came and took Catalina's belongings away, she turned herself, once again, into the Princess of Asgard. She said her last goodbyes to Iellwen, and headed for the throne room.

As she walked, she met Tauriel, who would not be going to Asgard, and she hugged her and said goodbye.

Once in the throne room, Catalina stood before the elven king, the memory of her first sight of him flicking before her.

Legolas, Veryangole and Queen Valadhiel stood near the throne.

"Ten years go by like the wind as it sweeps away the leaves of the autumn." The king smiled at the princess. "I hope Mirkwood has been a place you will remember my lady."

"I will never forget it my lord." Catalina smiled back, and the king led them off to the stables where they mounted horses and rode off, with the elven army alongside them, to the place where Catalina had first stepped foot on Middle-Earth.

As they stood on the spot where Catalina had ten years before, the princess smiled at Legolas, an excitement rising inside her to show him her home, the way he had shown her his.

She looked back at Mirkwood, elves waving goodbye. She would miss them greatly, but as anticipation rose, she smiled and turned forward.

Suddenly, there was a light, a rushing of the wind and an irresistible pull. Then, they stood in the Bifrost, Heimdall there to greet them.

"Welcome home Princess Catalina," he said, a smile crossing his face and showing in his all-seeing golden eyes. He extended his hand in the direction of the bridge, and Catalina clicked to her horse to move. A procession of the elven royals followed: King Thranduil, Queen Valadhiel, Prince Legolas, Veryangole, the orchestra, the elven army.

As she exited the Bifrost and crossed the rainbow bridge, Catalina could hear the sound of a horn. She could hear people in the capital. She heard music. And as her horse entered the gates, a flurry of cheers erupted. There were people crowding the streets and the capital, eager to see the return of their princess.

Catalina caught sight of the Warriors Three and Lady Sif. They waved and Catalina waved back.

The castle towered over the land, and Catalina smiled as the collosal double doors opened. She dismounted and went up the steps, taking everything in, remembering it all.

The golden pillars and smooth floors. The wide and open halls and the loud bustling city. The throne room...
Catalina saw Odin upon the throne, but she immediately turned her eyes to the left side, and there stood her three brothers.

Balder wore his golden armor and blood red cape, the big helmet and beautiful smile. Thor stood next to him with the same smile, his silver winged helmet and long red cape. But it was Loki whom Catalina wanted to see most: his silver and gold armor, his golden helmet and his long dark green cape, and his unmistakable grin. He smiled at her, and held out his arms.

Catalina's eyes lit up and she forgot all of her properness and manners and ran to him. She jumped into his arms and he spun her around, excitement and love sparking in between the twins.

"Thor, Balder!" Catalina hugged her two big brothers and they hugged her back, their arms wrapping around her and giving her the familiar feeling of Home.

"Sister! We've missed you," was the sentence they all seemed to repeat.

"I missed you too."

Catalina turned round to look behind her and she caught sight of her mother.

"Mother," Catalina ran to her and the queen embraced her daughter.

"Oh my dear, I've missed you so."

After their greetings had subsided and Catalina had swallowed her excitement for the time being, she knelt before the throne.

"How was your stay my daughter?" Asked Odin, stepping down from the throne.

"Wonderful Father." Catalina bowed before the king once more and allowed him to kiss her hand.
Odin then looked past her at the elven king.

"King Thranduil, it has been ages."

"It has My Lord Odin," King Thranduil bowed his head.

"Before you depart back to Mirkwood, may we request you stay a day or so to celebrate the princess's return?"

Frigga bowed to King Thranduil.
The elven king responded with a nod.

"Certainly My Lady, we would be glad to stay awhile."
And with that, they were led to their temporary rooms for the night.

"Catalina," Loki wrapped his arms around his sister's waist from behind.

"Hello Brother, what is it?"

"Asgard is waiting for you," said the prince, and he led her to Balder and Thor, and together, they went out to join Asgard in its festivals.

Once Upon A Dream (Thranduil Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora