Interlude: Messages To You

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*Kami = God.

A/N: IM SORRY EVERYBODY, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO POST THIS INTERLUDE BEFORE CH. 17: RECAPITULATION (Way to go me. I was like.. wait, something is wrong e__e.) Just to let you guys know, I usually make posts on first before wattpad, as it is my main fanfic site (all author notes are also present there). That's why I'll get clumsy here sometimes. 

ff: princess lullaby

Forgive me. But enjoy.


"Hello Sasuke-kun."

Sakura sat at her desk in the middle of the night, her back leaning against the chair and her pen firmly pressed onto the blank sheet in front of her. The ink was starting to create a pool underneath it's tip due to a loss for words that accurately described her feelings.

Years have passed by since Sasuke left for his journey, and she had been waiting every single day anticipating his return. Despite that, she realized she had no idea what to talk to him about when he did come back. It's funny how in the hands of time, relationships that began as a childhood crush could mature into something so much more.

Taking one last sigh and sitting up straight, the pink-haired girl started to move her pen.

"How have you been? It's been quite awhile since the last time I've seen your face. Naruto was nagging at me to send something to you along with him, I'm sure he's already updated you on the matters of the village.

The other day, while I was helping out at the hospital, I met a young boy who came in as a patient and had been staying at the hospital for quite some time. I was in charge of observing him for the next few weeks to make sure he recovered properly. He kind of reminded me of you, Sasuke-kun.

I could tell he was going down a dark path in his life. He lost someone precious to him, and as a result, he left his village and severed the bonds with his loved ones. I spent some time talking to him, to try and save his thoughts, but I could tell he had already fallen. But as much as he would deny it, I saw hints of worry whenever I brought up the people back at his village. I told him that deep inside, since he cared about the friends who loved him and needed him, fate will definitely bring him back home one day. And that's when he looked at me with the most sullen eyes I've ever seen when he asked me the following question.

If fate exists, then why does Kami take away things that are meant to be?

And that's what got me thinking. A lot of people come and go, live or die in the ninja world. Perhaps the end of team 7 was inevitable. The countless times Naruto and I had ran into you back then- be it fate or coincidence, there was only one thing that ran across my mind. Could our bond ever go back to the way it was? Was everything between us really severed?

That's when I knew; we had to bring you back no matter what. Even if the entire nation had given up on you, even if we were promised a thousand years of peace in return for your dead body, I would fight just to make sure you were back where you belonged. Why should I care about someone who had already thrown their comrades away? Why try changing someone when they're already gone?

It's easy. Because you were worth it.

I don't think I'm alone when I say that the bond between Team 7 may be stronger than Kami itself. No matter how many times anybody tries to take that away, rivers divided will once meet again in the ocean.

Even though I know it's going to be hard erasing all the dark memories clouding your thoughts, I support your journey, and I hope you end on good terms with yourself. I know you're apologetic about hurting me throughout the past years, but losing you didn't make me weaker, Sasuke-kun. Losing you was how I became myself today. That's why I want to revisit every dark spot in your life with you and break it all down if I have to.

Clearly, I'm still upset that you have to fight these feelings alone. You're probably feeling all kinds of guilt while you're away from the village. But the Sasuke-kun we know is different from the one everybody else knows. He isn't a villain, he isn't lost in total oblivion. Although there's still going to be people who just can't see your good intentions; Naruto, Kakashi and I are here waiting for you as well as others who consider you as a hero. I still remember your childhood dream of becoming apart of the Konoha Police Force, having the chance to fight against whatever came our way. I've realized it's no different than the you right now.

Which is why I have to say, I hope you know how proud I am for what you're doing for Konoha, even if it means protecting us from the shadows."

Sakura paused, exhibiting a warm smile as she finished the last of her message.

"I guess in a way, your dream finally came true, right?"

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